Achieve Greatness by Going the Extra Mile, with Shawn Anderson

Video Marketing Secrets, September 2017

Video Marketing Secrets by The Draw Shop: Do you always feel motivated? Do you jump out of bed every day, eager to work on your business? Do you always feel ready to power through every obstacle that life throws at you? Yeah, us neither! And here’s why it’s OK… There’s a pervasive…

“Anytime that we push ourself out of our own comfort zone, of the warm and cozy little world that we create, we become stronger. Our comfort zone gets pushed out further and we’re able to have less fear in what we accomplish in life. So everytime that I just put on this 25-pound backpack and I head to another country, I gotta tell you… That four-letter word “FEAR”, that monster FEAR, it’s screaming pretty loud at me! So when I succeed on a mission like that, not only at the end, but each day, and not only each day, but each hour, all the sudden I become MORE BRAVE. I become more courageous. To believe in myself. To belive in my vision. To belive that the words that come out of my mouth, or words that emanate from my heart, from the deepest part of me. That’s the transformation that takes place… that solid belief in those two words. I CAN.” – Shawn Anderson

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