Clap #72: YOU



For the times you’ve…

Adopted an abandoned pet.
Jumped in and volunteered.
Inspired a struggling friend.
Picked litter off the street.

Helped a lost stranger.
Mowed a neighbor’s lawn.
Let another driver merge.
Said “Good morning!” to fellow dog walkers.

Let someone jump in front of you at the store.
Gave your seat to an elderly person.
Talked with a homeless person.
Shared a kind word with a cashier.

Made someone smile.
Gave praise to a co-worker.
Held open the door.
Spent time playing with a lonely pet.

This week…
I’m clapping for YOU.

For unselfishly SHINING…
a little extra “positive” into the world.


* The world is rich with inspiration. Each week, I highlight one.

(Audio version)

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