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For media, book or general information, please contact Shawn at (310) 402-4826 or


Never Fail To Look For The Light, Despite The Dark – Shawn Anderson

Never Fail To Look For The Light, Despite The Dark – Shawn Anderson

Never Fail To Look For The Light, Despite The Dark – Shawn, April 2020Our goal is to expose you to as many different flavors and varieties of Gratitude as possible so you can create your very own “Gratitude Sundae” What’s your favorite...

Pillar 2-Writing / Episode 1-Shawn Anderson

Pillar 2-Writing / Episode 1-Shawn Anderson

Pillar 2-Writing / Episode 1-Shawn AndersonThe 3 Pillars by Chriselda Barretto, March 2020"My mission statement is this: To empower one million people. To lead a more positive, passionate and purposeful existence...That's what continues to drive me. That's how I...

13 Benefits You Can Get From Keeping A Daily Journal

13 Benefits You Can Get From Keeping A Daily Journal

13 Benefits You Can Get From Keeping A Daily JournalfGoalCrazy, December 2019"I have been journaling daily for 30+ years. It has allowed me a place to explore thoughts, feelings...and even more, it has been my #1 self-accountability tool for turning the dreams I wear...

Recognizing Those Who ‘Go the Extra Mile’

Recognizing Those Who ‘Go the Extra Mile’

Recognizing those Who ‘Go the Extra Mile’The News-Enterprise, November 2019Elizabethtown May­or Jeff Gregory and Rad­cliff Mayor J.J. Duvall have joined more than 525 other mayors across the nation in proclaiming today as Extra Mile Day, recognizing the effort of...

Achieve greatness by going the extra mile, with Shawn Anderson

Achieve greatness by going the extra mile, with Shawn Anderson

Achieve Greatness by Going the Extra Mile, with Shawn AndersonVideo Marketing Secrets, September 2017Video Marketing Secrets by The Draw Shop: Do you always feel motivated? Do you jump out of bed every day, eager to work on your business? Do you always feel ready to...

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