Clap #24: Sue Bird
#ClapForSomeone... #SueBird. I clap for @S10Bird NOT because of her BBall greatness...but for her greatness as a person. A young fan tried to give Sue a flower in a...
Clap #23: Serena and Venus Williams
#ClapForSomeone... @SerenaWilliams and @Venuseswilliams The remarkable sisters are playing in the @USOpen Tennis Championship as Doubles partners. Two of the greatest...
Clap #22: Captain Holly Pettit and Keely Petitt
#ClapForSomeone… Captain Holly Petitt & First Officer Keely Petitt. They're mom & daughter...and co-pilots! They share a @SouthwestAir cockpit. ...
Clap #21: Isaiah Jarvis and Kaiden Shelton
#ClapForSomeone… Little League's Isaiah Jarvis & Kaiden Shelton. A pitch by 12-year-old Kaiden hit Isaiah in the head...knocking him down. Isaiah was...
Clap #20: Diana Ross
#ClapForSomeone... @DianaRoss I've walked across 8 countries since 2014. On my hardest days when I have no energy left...I listen to Diana & The Supremes....
Clap #19: A Dog named “Saul”
#ClapForSomeone... A dog named "Saul." Saul's owner fell 70 ft. down a slope...breaking hip & ribs. Saul ran through the woods for help. When he found...
Clap #18: Carson Pickett
#ClapForSomeone... Carson Pickett. Born without a left hand & forearm...Carson's the first person w/ a limb difference to play for the U.S. Women’s...
Clap #17: A Lamb Named “Sam”
#ClapForSomeone... "Sam" the lamb. The day he was born, he fell off a truck. Found on the road...he was rushed to a farm sanctuary for surgery. Front legs broke....
Clap #16: Jessica Martin & Asherah Weiss
#ClapForSomeone... Teachers Jessica Martin & Asherah Weiss. They led kids (ages 5-12) to start a #motivational hotline. Call Peptoc & hear...