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Blog #627: We’re All One of These
Walk with me.And count. ______ How many people did you interact with today? Whatever your number... That's the minimum number of chances you had to make a difference today. Let's count some more. Count the people on your phone, on your email list, on your street, in...
Blog #626: Bare Feet. Hot Coals. Jumpstart.
He wasn't the first to say it.But it was the first time I'd heard it. "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!" ______ Tony Robbins. 1994. The guy was probably THE most famous motivational person in the world. I wanted to feel him in action. I attended his...
Blog #625: It’s Number 1 of 10,000
From the moment we're born...we're learning lessons. As a baby...I learned to watch faces.I learned my feet can get me places.I learned the sounds I made had impact. As a child...I learned having a pet is having a best friend.I learned there is more to see outside...
Blog #624: Three Tickets Short
"Do I quit...or do I keep going?" I'm not through with the question yet.Because how we answer is TOO important. Our answer... Could impact the next 20 years of our lives.Or it could redirect a day gone wrong at Disneyland. Huh? ______ Let's start at the beginning. It...
Blog # 623: Three Q’s and One E
Last Thursday...I answered a reader's question: "I'd like your opinion on knowing when to quit and when not to quit. How do you know?" After reading my response...Readers chimed in with theirs. ______ Here are four email excerpts...and one "OTHER." Reader #1: Like the...
Blog #622: Guinea Pigs and Shape Shifters
Each Thursday...I write something... That people either flow with...Or say "NO!" with. Last week...I heard from both. ______ Excerpts from last week's email: Reader #1: "In reading about your health issues, I thought you might better understand the challenges older...