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Blog #615: 30 Nights on the Water
For the next four weeks…I’ll be sharing stories from the ocean. For 30 nights…That’s where I’m sleeping. ______ Cabo San Lucas. It’s a beautifully visual port town. So many towns are along Mexico’s coast. I was sitting in a main walkway…watching locals drum up...
Blog #614: The Life of a Professional Yo-Yoer
Ever feel as if your lifeis tied to a string... And you're the Yo-Yo? Up.Down. RisingFalling. ______ Been there? It happens. Especially... When we allow what happens outside us... to "up-and-down" the happiness level inside us. Feel happy. Feel sad. Think positive....
Blog #613: The Girl with the Smile
Numbed. Sometimes life pushes us there. We decide how long we stay. ______ It was about 25 years ago... I'd be standing in my front yard watering the lawn, and a young, happy neighbor girl down the street would see me...and run to talk with me. Always... She wore a...
Blog #612: I’m in Timeout
I'm taking a timeout today. To rest.To read. To laugh.To breath. I'm thinking: "Today's timeout should find its way into my everyday goals." So today... I'll take a break from writing blogs and planting seeds. Or am I? S.EXTRA...
Blog #611: Why Choose the Second One?
"Go the extra mile." For those who've read, heard or know me...You know the message is my life thing. I know... It's just four simple words.But everything I AM grows from them. ______ Like? I wrote Extra Mile America: Stories of Inspiration, Possibility and Purpose.I...
Blog #610: Bad Day Repeat
On July 13, 2017...An 87-year-old subscribed to this blog. On November 3, 2023...She'll turn 93. ______ Her name is Yvonne. In getting to know her over the last six years, I've learned that she's a visionary entrepreneur, a proud mom, a faith-driven grandmother...and...