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Blog #605: The Day the Sky Didn’t Fall
"You gotta' be kidding me!"(That's me politely quoting myself.) The shock had just hit me:"I lost my freakin' map!" ______ In navigating my way across nine countries by foot... I carry a walking map. I use a non-working phone ONLY as a camera, and I have no GPS device...
Blog #604: She’s a Yes. He’s a No.
This week... A harsh wisdom tooth extraction...has my feet grounded. With my feet moving slowly...so are my day-to-day adventures. So for today's blog...I'm dipping into my email bag. ______ As for my wisdom tooth? It ended up being a case where my jaw was madly in...
Blog #603: How I Made A. Friend
I've been asked 200+ times:"What are your dogs' names?" I answer:"She's EMi. He's Amicus." The answer back to me 50+ times:"Those are strange (weird, odd, unusual) names." ______ Here's a recent email: Hey Shawn, Just finished reading Amicus 101 and got to tell you I...
Blog #602: The Pilot Who Pushed Me
How do I succeed? It's not in having small goals.It's not in having big ability.It's not in having unrelenting willpower. It's because of reliable Helpers. ______ Ten days ago... I succeeded in walking with tired feet... 135 miles across windy, rainy Scotland. Of...
Blog #601: Once Upon a Time
NINE. The number was never my goal. Ten years ago... I wasn't even thinking of doing ONE. ______ I just did it. I finished walking across my 9th country. To me, it's a somewhat crazy accomplishment. But here's my list: 1. Spain: St. Jean Pied de Port to Finisterre,...
Blog #600: One Minute. Eight Hours.
In my eagerness to hit the trail early...the morning hit me back with some bad luck. Then I met the Butcher. ______ The Day Before... 3:00 p.m.: I survive a tough day of walking and check into The Attic Bunkhouse near Blanefield, Scotland. It's a hostel. My room has...