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Blog #599: Are We in the Air Yet?
As you read this...I'm in Scotland. As I write this...I'm sitting at Gate A21 at the Salt Lake City Airport. ______ It will be a long day. I have about 24+ hours of flying and layovers in front of me before I get to Glasgow, Scotland. I had this week's blog already...
Blog #598: Tears, Fears and Turning Around
I saw her sitting alone on a park bench.She was crying. I kept walking past her. ______ We live in a different world today. It's not as easy and automatic to jump in and offer help as it once was. My own memory is scarred with a couple of times I offered to help...
Blog #597: Munchies and Comfies
Dipping into last week's email bag. Shawn - You write about comfort zones, but you make them sound unwanted.Isn't it a life goal to strive to find comfort in order to find happiness? Am I right or wrong? A Reader ______ My response: Dear Friend... Thank you for...
Blog #596: When One Tips Sixteen Topple
A few days ago...The FIRST domino tipped over. In this case... Domino #1 carries the tipping powerto topple sixteen other dominoes, too. ______ If you've missed a blog or two... On August 4th, I start walking across Scotland. The first planning step to make this...
Blog #595: Sneaky Awesome
It's started.The tension is inching in. I start walking across Scotland in 27 days. ______ This will be the 9th country I've crossed by foot. Since starting this country-crossing-by-foot thing in 2014, I've kept walking across a different country each year...and the...
Blog #594: TOO x 3
Comfort Zones. Of course...They're comfy, safe and secure. But sometimes... Hanging out TOO often in TOO comfyleads us to miss out on TOO much. Here's a story about "Jacuzzis." ______ My building in southern California has two of them. There's a giant Jacuzzi on the...