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Blog #668: My Perfect Flop
Let's be real. This blog isn't like a zillion social media posts that share perfect meals, perfect smiles, and perfect moments. Real life isn't perfect. ______ Real life wears struggle. Real life wears disappointment. Real life wears defeat. And this week... I lived...
Blog #667: I Do. I Don’t. I Don’t. I Do.
In finding my most inspired and inspiring life...It's the little things I do that make a big difference. Extra Mile Tidbits. (Here's four.) ______ #1. I live routines. For me... Routines find their value most on days when I feel like succeeding least. Absolutely... I...
Blog #666: Holding On to a Heavy Anchor
Conversations.TWO of mine. ONE about the PAST.ONE about the FUTURE. Perhaps...ONE will change your PRESENT. ______ The PAST. She was still bitter about something that happened ten years ago. Her screw-up was not going away. In her head. "I should have done it!" (Over...
Blog #665: Two Words To Change Today
This blog has readers from tens of countries. BUT... The largest percentage of readers are in the U.S.This week was a HUGE deal in our fifty states. ______ We elected a president. It's definitely true... Divisions on a multitude of issues run passionately deep in the...
Blog #664: The Day My Bike Grew Wings
Every day... Life tosses us a series of seemingly simple moments. Occasionally... One of those simple moments has the power toprofoundly change the course of our lives. One did for me. ______ It's not new news... I've pedaled a bike solo across the U.S. Twice. The...
Blog #663: The Question That Rescues Tomorrow
Wherever you are on the planet. Whatever job.Whatever age.Whatever health.Whatever anything. There's one question that rescues future regret. ______ From this day forward... "What do I wish I'd do?" Our answers are maps to guide our calendar, weeks, days...and hours....