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Blog #639: How to Find the Good Stuff
From an unhappy email sender: "I signed up for your blog thinking you would teach me to be more successful and make more money, but I'm disappointed you're not doing that." Hmmm... ______ Dear Friend... I apologize for not delivering on what you thought I'd deliver....
Blog #638: Welcome to the Town of Survival
Who hasn't lived through extra hard times?Who hasn't felt the desperation of thinking: "Just...survive...the...day." I've lived that thought. ______ The town of "Survival." A lot of us have visited. Some feel they live there full-time. Here are two email excerpts from...
Blog #637: Staring at the Door
This week...I lost two opportunities. I waited too long...And screwed-up twice. ______ My FIRST screw-up... I waited too long to use a LOT of pre-paid press releases. The contract to use them had no expiration date. Not true. The company went out of business. My...
Blog #636: I Didn’t Listen
I received an email from a womanwho is inspired to walk across Spain. Her husband isn't impressed. ______ Shawn - I'm grateful for Thursdays and want you to know you're making a difference. Two years ago, you inspired me to start walking long distances. Now, I want to...
Blog #635: Paper, People or Pretending?
Playing pretend. That's what many of us do when we set a goal. ______ When we say we want to... Get fit. Eat better. Lose the pounds. Start the program. Submit the application. Create the habit. Get up earlier. Change the job. Write the book. Save the money. Develop...
Blog #634: A Story of Two Sleeping Giants
Soon... Two slumbering giants will be waking.They've been asleep for five months. ______ The two giants are tortoises. When I say "giant," I don't know many people who could lift either of them. They live down the street, and for half-the-year, they live in a huge,...