Blog #558: The Question That Made Me Dizzy

There’s a book by Mitch Albom:
The Five People You Meet in Heaven.
Let me point to it as I begin this week’s blog.
In the book…
83-year-old amusement park ride mechanic “Eddie” is killed on his birthday in an accident when one of the rides breaks down. During the accident, he bravely tries to save a little girl’s life. In the process of rescuing her, he is killed.
Eddie goes to Heaven.
Once there…
He encounters FIVE people whose lives he impacted while he was living.
Some of them…
He had no clue about.
Like Eddie in the book…
I’ve come to realize that some of the things I’ve experienced, seen or done in my life had less “WOW!” on me in the moment of living them…then they do now.
I especially believe this as I reflect on all the experiences that shaped me into being me…now. When things were happening at THE time…I didn’t KNOW the dramatic affect that they would have on me for the rest of my life.
Except for one.
I was on a 30-day speaking trip to the Philippines.
I spoke a lot…often, multiple times a day.
One event had thousands of people…and TENS of small events had 50-100 people. I spoke to business leaders, politicians, people just trying to survive…and school kids.
I will remember one student…forever.
Aliana Rose.
That morning…
My awesome staff picked me up at the hotel in Bacolod. We had a long drive through the rural countryside to get to the school where I would speak. As we drove, I saw tens of make-shift homes along the road. The “homes” were made from whatever could be found to make the shelter.
The mood was being set for my heart to be cracked open that day.
It was about a 25-mile drive.
We turned off the main road onto an uncared for dirt road. Harsh storms had eaten the road up with deep ruts, and it was barely drivable. The school, intended for the children of sugarcane workers, was at the end of the road.
It was a rainy day and a couple hundred students sat outside in chairs under multiple tarps pieced together above them. The tarps succeeded 90% of the time in keeping the kids dry.
All the teachers were sitting on an outdoor stage fully protected. The stage was set up with a podium where I, too, would be protected from getting wet.
There was no way I was doing that.
I stood in the rain.
That day…
The kids were desperately hungry for inspiration. At the end when I asked for questions, one young girl raised her hand first. Bravely standing up in front of her entire school, Aliana Rose asked:
“How do I get out of poverty?”
I remember being hit with a wave of dizziness. I had never experienced a question so dramatic to my soul…by such a little face…in such a harsh setting…in such a crowded place…in such memorable weather.
And having to find an answer with hundreds of eyes upon me?
But my brain, heart and tongue became teammates…and my focus on her never wavered. In that single moment, all there was…was me and Aliana Rose.
“By doing exactly what you’re doing now,” I said.
I continued.
“By having the courage to stand up, despite the fear that might keep you in your seat. By desperately wanting your goal so much that you’re willing to take positive action…like this…to make it happen.“
Instinctively, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the contents.
I continued.
“When we risk…when we give our best…when we live unafraid…life will reward us. Like you are being rewarded now…by the courage of your question.“
I asked her to come up.
I gave her the money that had just come from my pocket.
After that…
Fifty other hands had questions, too.
When I finished answering all the other questions…
I asked Aliana Rose to give me a tour of her 440-student school.
The computer lab? There were three computers…each 5-7 years old. The library? A few piles of very old books were stacked on a bare concrete floor.
She showed me her classroom.
“I hope you are proud of my classroom,” she hopefully asked.
I cried on the inside when I saw it.
I cry on the outside now as I remember it.
Aliana Rose.
She’ll be one of my FIVE people.
“Extra Mile Day” is November 1.
I created the day in 2009 to clap for volunteers going the extra mile to make a difference in their communities.
That first year…
23 cities participated and gave a grateful shout out to their extra mile volunteers. This year, that number will be close to 520 cities.
If you’re not doing so already…
I hope with this nudge…you consider actively volunteering and giving yourself back to the world.
I have zero doubt that there are organizations who need you; I have zero doubt that there are people out there waiting to be impacted by you.
And you to be impacted by THEM.
You may have met your “Aliana Rose” in life already.
But I feel in my soul that there’s another one waiting.
According to Mitch Albom, we get FIVE…right?
Go volunteer.
Go give yourself to the world.
Don’t wait for Heaven to meet your FIVE.
Go find them on earth.
On Extra Mile Day.
EXTRA Thoughts…
The more we’re creatively engaged with life…the less time we have to complain about what isn’t going right.
And by the way…
Meet Aliana Rose.
(And my look? THAT is what one looks like after standing in the rain and talking for an hour.)
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:
Create a great day!
And if you see an opportunity…
Gratitude for the chance be with you today…

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