Blog #587: Which Way Is My Head Walking?

From the moment our eyes open…
things happen that push ours one way or another.
As a day’s hours pass…
we choose whether we like its direction.
On Monday morning…
My flow was being shoved hard the wrong way.
On my morning dog walk, I saw a squirrel lying in a driveway. He had been hit. It was the same house where the dogs and I would see a squirrel every day watching us from a tree. He would see us. We would see him. No more.
I learned that one of my favorite baseball heroes as a kid…died.
And then…
I opened my email and discovered a bot had found a hole in my website’s blog sign-up system. It got busy subscribing to my blog…150+ times.
My morning flow and momentum had chosen a direction.
My brain was walking backwards.
An interesting thing about “feelings.”
They matter to flow a lot.
Think good.
Feel good.
Flow well.
Think lousy.
Feel lousy.
Flow lousy.
Thinking crappy and feeling happy don’t mix.
Knowing how it all comes together gives us an edge.
It changes when feelings and thoughts change.
Three baby flow changers for me?
1. Get upbeat music playing.
2. Get outside and move my legs and lungs.
3. Get my fingers tapping on the keyboard writing positive words.
Two huge flow changers for me?
1. The clock.
2. The calendar.
They give positive momentum a starting point.
I plan momentum moments.
Times of the day.
Days of the week.
Weeks in the year.
Today is an example.
It’s May 11.
I’m putting the final editing touches on today’s blog…at 5:00 am. at the airport. I’m heading to Alaska for eleven days…to kayak, hike, gawk at glaciers, scour the skies for eagles, sled with dogs and visit a sanctuary for rescued bears.
And although travel might not be your thing…
How about…
Line dancing on Fridays.
Yoga on Saturdays.
Walking with friends on Sundays.
Spiritual events on weekends.
Tea at 3:00 every day.
Clocks and calendars matter.
They get us out of funks.
“Which way is my head walking?”
It’s a good question to answer.
And sometimes…
MY answer changes me.
EXTRA Thoughts…
They’re thoughts’ temperature takers.
They’re momentum’s direction makers.
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog?
In it, I write about creating gratitude and adventure…and mention a guy named “Indiana.”
May you take time today to #ClapForSomeone.
I think there are a billion souls who would love it.
Thank YOU for being here and reading.
I’m lucky you did.
With gratitude…
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