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Blog #611: Why Choose the Second One?
"Go the extra mile." For those who've read, heard or know me...You know the message is my life thing. I know... It's just four simple words.But everything I AM grows from them. ______ Like? I wrote Extra Mile America: Stories of Inspiration, Possibility and Purpose.I...
Blog #610: Bad Day Repeat
On July 13, 2017...An 87-year-old subscribed to this blog. On November 3, 2023...She'll turn 93. ______ Her name is Yvonne. In getting to know her over the last six years, I've learned that she's a visionary entrepreneur, a proud mom, a faith-driven grandmother...and...
Blog #609: The Skeleton That Ran Away
Where I live in California...Halloween is extra popular this year. We're still weeks away from Halloween night...but spooky decorations have been up for a month. ______ Maybe... It's because there are so many new coolly designed skeletons, witches, ghosts and spiders...
Blog #608: Her. Me. Her. Me.
TIME. I share four thoughts on it.I hope one gets you to look at a calendar. And plan. ______ #1: It Moves Fast. It's now October 2023. Life is an unstoppable, 250 miles-per-hour bullet train. The older my age, the larger my goals...the faster the train goes. This...
Blog #607: I’m Not Charlie’s Tree
In response to last week's blog... A reader shined a light on a famous tree.It belonged to Charlie Brown. The reader wrote that he felt like Charlie's tree. Curious? ______ The email: Shawn - Your words "I Don't HAVE To" hit me hard. I needed to read this one. Do you...
Blog #606: The Words Felt Like Blisters
We don't HAVE to.Anymore. (Read on...and the words will make sense.) ______ This is blog #606. Over MANY years... Extra Mile Thursday has grown from an original 100+ readers to thousands today. MANY readers have come and gone ...and MANY readers continue to sign up...