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Blog #680: Chasing My Tail

Chasing My Tail: Focus on What You Can Control Welcome to ShawnAnderson.com, where progress begins with clarity. In today’s blog post, Chasing My Tail, Shawn Anderson explores how focusing on things beyond our control keeps us stuck while shifting our mindset creates...

Blog #679: Caught in His Storm

Caught in His Storm: Managing Inner Struggles Without Affecting Others Welcome to ShawnAnderson.com, where personal growth starts with self-awareness. In today’s blog post, Caught in His Storm, Shawn Anderson explores how our internal battles can unknowingly impact...

Blog #678: The Two Are Dating

The Two Are Dating: How Actions and Outcomes Are Always Connected Welcome to ShawnAnderson.com, where every action leads to a result. In today’s blog post, The Two Are Dating, Shawn Anderson explores how the choices we make today influence our future. Success isn’t...

Blog #677: Here Comes the Rain

Welcome to ShawnAnderson.com, where inspiration meets actionable wisdom. In today's blog post, Here Comes the Rain, we explore how to overcome those who rain on your parade—those 'parade spoilers' who dampen your spirit and derail your progress.I was in St. Thomas in...

Blog #676: It’s Number 1 of 10,000

It’s Number 1 of 10,000: The Lesson That Changes Everything Welcome to ShawnAnderson.com, where one lesson can shift everything. In today’s blog post, It’s Number 1 of 10,000, Shawn Anderson shares the most impactful life lesson he has learned. Out of thousands of...

Blog #675: A Secret Shared by Twelve

A Secret Shared by Twelve: How First Steps Lead to Success Welcome to ShawnAnderson.com, where transformation begins with a single decision. In today’s blog post, A Secret Shared by Twelve, Shawn Anderson shares the inspiring journeys of twelve individuals who took...

Blog #674: Is he lost or just crazy?

Is He Lost or Just Crazy? Walking an Unconventional Path Welcome to ShawnAnderson.com, where unconventional thinking leads to extraordinary success. In today’s blog post, Is He Lost or Just Crazy?, Shawn Anderson challenges the idea that those who take a different...

Blog #673: Are You the Many?

Small Steps to a Better You: A New Approach to Progress Welcome to ShawnAnderson.com, where progress happens one step at a time. In today’s blog post, Small Steps to a Better You, Shawn Anderson explores how small, daily actions lead to lasting change. Instead of...

Blog #672: My Late Letter to Santa

A Letter to Santa with Heartfelt Wishes Welcome to ShawnAnderson.com, where kindness and hope inspire us all. In today’s blog post, A Letter to Santa with Heartfelt Wishes, Shawn Anderson reflects on the spirit of giving beyond material gifts. Instead of asking for...

Blog #671: Why I Bought Them All

Feeding Street Dogs with Kindness: A Simple Act of Compassion Welcome to ShawnAnderson.com, where small acts of kindness can make a big difference. In today’s blog post, Feeding Street Dogs with Kindness, Shawn Anderson reflects on his experience feeding street dogs...
Blog #668: My Perfect Flop

Blog #668: My Perfect Flop

Let's be real. This blog isn't like a zillion social media posts that share perfect meals, perfect smiles, and perfect moments. Real life isn't perfect. ______ Real life wears struggle. Real life wears disappointment. Real life wears defeat. And this week... I lived...

Blog #667: I Do. I Don’t. I Don’t. I Do.

Blog #667: I Do. I Don’t. I Don’t. I Do.

In finding my most inspired and inspiring life...It's the little things I do that make a big difference. Extra Mile Tidbits. (Here's four.) ______ #1. I live routines. For me... Routines find their value most on days when I feel like succeeding least. Absolutely... I...

Blog #666: Holding On to a Heavy Anchor

Blog #666: Holding On to a Heavy Anchor

Conversations.TWO of mine. ONE about the PAST.ONE about the FUTURE. Perhaps...ONE will change your PRESENT. ______ The PAST. She was still bitter about something that happened ten years ago. Her screw-up was not going away. In her head. "I should have done it!" (Over...

Blog #665: Two Words To Change Today

Blog #665: Two Words To Change Today

This blog has readers from tens of countries. BUT... The largest percentage of readers are in the U.S.This week was a HUGE deal in our fifty states. ______ We elected a president. It's definitely true... Divisions on a multitude of issues run passionately deep in the...

Blog #664: The Day My Bike Grew Wings

Blog #664: The Day My Bike Grew Wings

Every day... Life tosses us a series of seemingly simple moments. Occasionally... One of those simple moments has the power toprofoundly change the course of our lives. One did for me. ______ It's not new news... I've pedaled a bike solo across the U.S. Twice. The...

Blog #663: The Question That Rescues Tomorrow

Blog #663: The Question That Rescues Tomorrow

Wherever you are on the planet. Whatever job.Whatever age.Whatever health.Whatever anything. There's one question that rescues future regret. ______ From this day forward... "What do I wish I'd do?" Our answers are maps to guide our calendar, weeks, days...and hours....

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