Blog #529: 2,000 Miles In the Middle

As you read this…
I’m 2,000 miles off the coast of California.
In the middle of the ocean.
Because of touch-and-go Internet in the middle of the Pacific…
I’m writing this blog one week BEFORE you read it and I leave.
On March 27…
I will leave San Francisco on a ship for Hawaii. I’ll return to California on April 11. I’ve sailed across both the Pacific and the Atlantic before, and I love the feeling of being in the middle of seemingly nowhere…surrounded by water everywhere.
On this ocean adventure…
I’m guaranteeing myself I’ll do FOUR things every day:
The reading?
I have five books loaded 0n my Kindle. If one’s extra good…I’m not stopping.
The writing?
I wonder what I’ll create? I have no clue until THEN. I look forward to that.
The walking?
In my ten days floating at sea, I have a goal of walking 100 miles. I’ll knock off five miles every sunrise…and five miles after every lunch. (I’ll carry a hand-held counter that lets me “click” laps as I walk around the track on the ship’s deck.)
The wondering?
As I do the reading, writing and walking…I’ll be on deck staring a LOT at all that meditative and inspiring H20. I’m positive I’ll contemplate 500 questions that spontaneously pop into my head:
“What cool creatures are under the ship?”
“How do ocean birds fly all the way across the ocean?”
“Are there sunken ships under us?”
“How can there be sooo much water?”
I know 100%…
I’ve lived far more days than I have remaining.
But the days I do have remaining will be fully lived.
And nearly every one of those days will be rich with…
Because it’s those four that positively ADD to the quality of life in a HUGE way.
I hope your today, tomorrow and all the days after will be filled with the same.
Bon voyage.
EXTRA Thoughts…
These four things…
make life easier to stroll.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:
Now…the Rest of the Story
Do what you love.
Love what you do.
Thank you for reading this week…

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