#465: Hitchhiking…on a Motorcycle

I’ve hitchhiked across a famous bridge.
On the back of a motorcycle.
Why would I do that?
College student.
Worked in San Francisco.
Lost wallet.
No money for BART (subway) to get home.
Zero luck panhandling for ticket money.
Stood near bridge ramp.
Stuck thumb in air.
Hopped on back of motorcycle.
Held on to a strange dude like I loved him.
Crazy-ass, 60-mph ride speeding between cars.
Peed pants.
And I’m still doing it today.
I just do it differently.
No more thumb in the air looking to catch rides with unknown drivers.
Instead, I look to hitch rides with a day’s quickly passing moments.
And I’m always looking for them.
My vitality for life is found by waking up and thinking:
“I’m excited to see what I can create on this new day!”
And when you look for moments…moments appear.
When we’re willing to hitch a ride with a moment, we grow as magicians. We become good (even great!) in making a whole lot of something appear where a whole lot of nothing previously existed.
Feeling dull?
Look for your moments.
And hitch a ride.
Talk to new people.
Connect with old friends.
Walk unknown paths.
Try new things.
Buy unique foods.
Read different books.
Listen to new music.
Volunteer with different organizations.
Jump on opportunity.
Hitchhiking is not about catching rides with strangers.
It’s a philosophy for living which energizes life.
So stick your thumb out.
And give yourself a lift.
EXTRA Thoughts…
“I’ve never lived today!”
Can there be a more hopeful and promising way to start each day than that?
May it be a year of extraordinary hitchhiking.
With gratitude for the chance to be here…today.

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