Blog #566: The Big Gun-Carrying Big Guy

A few days ago…
I spent eight hours in Acapulco, Mexico.
The first three hours of my quick visit, I quartered down at a local WiFi spot, and spent the time writing and scheduling last week’s blog.
It was about a powerful moment that happened the day AFTER seeing my cruise ship’s theatre production of Six.
I hope you read that one.
After I finished scheduling that blog…
I took off to explore.
I became my own tour guide, and curiously walked up and down the streets of Acapulco. I’m not a fan of booking tours because they feel excessively rigid. Plus, they go to places built for tourists. I’m drawn to the places built for locals.
It’s there where I routinely see and feel inspiration.
And compassion.
Two hours before the ship was to leave port…
I wandered down to the beautiful Acapulco marina. I sat my butt on some steps next to a BIG gun-carrying BIG guy. He is in the Mexican Army, and he was there (along with tens of other BIG gun-carrying BIG guys) to add a sense of safety for the ship’s tourists.
The Army guy spoke zero English…and I speak little Spanish. But soon, we became friends through smiles…and people helped us with translation. When someone walked by, I asked the passing person: “Do you speak English?” I then asked if he or she could please ask my BIG gun-carrying friend a question.
People were eager to participate in our game.
The BIG gun-carrying guy’s name was “Jose.”
And after a few questions and answers, we soon became fist-bumping friends.
When you fist bump with a BIG gun-carrying Army guy in a foreign country, there is a pretty huge sense of comfort and safety that grows.
As Jose stood guard over the pier (and ME), I noted a small grocery store behind us. I motioned to Jose: “Cerveza…okay?”
He understood, smiled…and nodded “Yes.”
I left and came back carrying one Mexican Cerveza…and one Coca-Cola.
(Please know this is not an advertisement for Coke…unless you know a man…who knows a woman…who can make a PR gig happen.)
So there I was…
On a pier in Mexico, clinking a Cerveza can to a Coke can…enjoying the sun, the amazing Acapulco port and the moment.
And then Pedro came and sat next me.
Pedro speaks understandable English 75% of the time…but our personalities clicked. We became quick friends. He owns a biz selling hammocks to tourists. He is a robust guy who wears a week’s unshaven face and a huge smile. It’s obvious the guy loves life. Soon…one of his hammock-selling salespeople showed up carrying a load of brightly colored hammocks. He, too, sat down with us.
Meet Frank.
Frank spoke zero English, but his continuous nodding and laughing shined a light on the idea that maybe he understood a bit more than he spoke. But just his laughter added to our group’s fun.
Meet “The Four Amigos.”
#1. Jose…a BIG gun-carrying BIG guy.
#2. Pedro…a charismatic hammock-selling entrepreneur.
#3. Frank…a #1 seller of hammocks.
#4. Shawn…a guy pretty good at creating moments.
Ten minutes into “The Four Amigos” conversation…
I asked for drink orders.
I walked back into the store and returned balancing four cans. Three Cervezas for Pedro, Frank and me…and a Coca-Cola for our friend Jose.
(Paying an on-going “Coca-Cola Tax” was the least we could do for a personal BIG gun-carrying BIG bodyguard.)
Two beers in…
I gave our new local bar a name: Jose’s By the Marina.
When the Army guy received a translation regarding the name of our newly named bar…Jose’s Coca-Cola can rose in the air.
“Saludo!” Jose shouted.
“Saludo!” Pedro shouted.
“Saludo!” Frank shouted.
“Cheers!” I shouted.
Hard laughter.
Even from the Army guy.
Four new amigos seemed like best amigos forever.
For 90 minutes…
The easy fun continued before I had to walk extra fast to catch a departing ship a 1/2 mile away.
As I left the group, Pedro said he would make a “bar sign” so I knew where to go next time I visited Acapulco.
Frank fist bumped me.
The BIG gun-carrying BIG guy fist bumped me.
Pedro hugged me.
It was a good day.
It was a great day.
I’ve hung around this blog long enough…
To know I’ll get a half-a-dozen raised eyebrow comments with this one.
But please know…
Having a Cerveza on the stairs on the marina in a foreign country next to a BIG guy-carrying BIG guy is about as safe as it gets. I 100% get we all have different comfort zones…and I was standing solidly in mine.
The seeds I hope to plant this week is that great moments are not always orchestrated and planned.
There’s no guarantee that when we show up to life’s scheduled events…
that we’re in for a good time. Enjoying life to the max is about going with the flow.
And sometimes…
That requires allowing ourselves to be spontaneous.
I call it…
“Kick the can.”
What’s THAT?
It’s about keeping a cool moment’s momentum…going.
It’s about disregarding rigidity…and falling in love with spontaneity.
In reflection…
I’m smart enough to remember that some of my coolest life moments aren’t because I was present in life’s scheduled events, but because I allowed myself to walk creatively into life’s unscheduled moments.
Meet the person.
Ask the question.
Make the reservation.
Kick the can.
In living with a little less fear…
We open the door to meet cool new friends, create inspiring opportunities…and fall in love with life even harder.
Just a simple thought from a simple guy…
That doesn’t mind having a Cerveza.
Sitting on a concrete set of stairs.
At a pier in Acapulco.
With a BIG gun-carrying BIG guy standing next to him.
EXTRA Thoughts…
How lucky are you and I…
To have the magical ability to create.
May you use your gift every day.
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:
With gratitude (from one of “The Four Amigos”)…

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