Blog #652: The Tiny Turns Giant

Aug 8, 2024Blog Post

For some…

It seems as if it’s extra easy to go there.

The stressing.
The whining.
The complaining.
The negativity.


But I wonder…

For those who so easily find something to complain and stress about…

Is it legitimate, or are they self-programmed to stress about everything?



For their 1,000th time…

My dogs did their “I’m extra happy!” thing after they finished eating.

After a meal, they often celebrate with full-out passion and joy.

It’s their doggy roll.

Four legs fully extend to the ceiling.

Backs and heads are rubbing quickly back and forth on the floor.

Funny snorting noises coming from their little faces.

They are happy dog souls.

It’s their “I love life!” celebration.

And it’s my magical privilege to watch.

For my 1,000th time.


Of course…

It’s a tiny thing.

But I believe…

When we keep our eyes seeing, our brains noticing, and our hearts feeling the tiny good things, we prevent our thoughts from getting stuck on the negative.

They’re the Tinies.

They keep eyes seeing the good.

They keep thoughts thinking the positive.

They keep hearts feeling the gratefulness.

When we get good at soaking up life’s Tinies…

We’ve found an ancient secret to loving life more.



I had the magical privilege of watching two 13-year-old, happy Chihuahuas celebrate their morning breakfast.

From where you’re reading…

That may seem like a tiny thing to celebrate.

But from where I’m writing…

The moment filled me with giant joy.

And you know what?

I’ll take that tiny/giant combination every day.


Want some extra good news to guide your day?

If we look for the tiny magical moments…

They’re guaranteed to be there.

And that’s giant.

If you want to live with less stress…

And whining.

And complaining.

And negativity.


PS: The photo above? I learned the stone-stacking thing on my first walk across Spain. Each stone that a walker carries for a distance — before adding it to an already existing stack — carries a heart message unique to that walker. I love the hopeful symbolism, so I created the idea outside my front walkway. The squirrels sometimes like to play and knock it over, but it’s never down for long.

EXTRA Thoughts

If our happiness depends on achieving only the biggies, we’re setting ourselves up to feel very tiny.

A few of my favorite tiny things:

Walking different loops to see favorite trees.
Listening to K-pop on Pandora.
Reading a favorite daily cartoon.
Sitting outside under the sky with my dogs.
Watching my tortoise, Fibs, eat a giant piece of lettuce.

It’s all Harmony TV.

Miss last week’s blog?

I shared an email I received from a guy whose influence 44 years ago was significant in my life.


Here’s the link to the blog:

A Teacher’s Note. 40 Years Later.

Thank you for reading (and listening!) today.

May you see (and love!) your Tinies.


(Audio Version)

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