#485: A Dog Named Sweetie

The Chihuahuas and I were on our daily walk.
We’re always on the lookout for a good adventure.
This adventure found us.
As we walked near the Marina boat slips, our attention was captured by a little white dog running scared across the parking lot. She hid under a car and disappeared. She was escaping a yelling voice that was holding the gate open leading to the boat slips.
I instinctively ran to the parking lot…to the dog…to the car she was hiding under. My two dogs sensing an adventure was in store…perked up their giant Chihuahua ears…and excitedly chased after me.
The man, seeing me, hollered: “She’s okay. She’s being a spoiled diva.”
I didn’t answer him. I was on my stomach laying on the parking lot asphalt so I could see the little dog under the car. I was talking in a soft voice trying to coax the ragged little animal to come out.
The man came over.
He took a seat on the pavement next to me.
“She’ll be okay. She knows she was bad. Don’t pamper her.”
I didn’t say anything.
I was focused on getting the dog to come out.
She soon did.
As I sat up, the once-white, dirty dog immediately crawled into my lap.
I looked up at her owner sitting on the ground next to me. And although my heart wasn’t feeling it…my face smiled…as I tried to diffuse the tension.
“What’s her name, friend?” I asked
“Sweetie,” he said
“She sure is…isn’t she?” I responded as she cuddled up in my lap.
“What’s your name?” I asked.
“Dale,” he replied.
“Dale…nice to meet you. I’m Shawn…and this is Amicus and EMi.”
Dale nodded.
It was obvious wine, beer or maybe a combination of the two had been good friends to Dale that day. I would lead a careful conversation.
“Dale…please know I’m not pampering her. I’m just showing her a little kindness. We all need some every once in a while…don’t we?”
He called for Sweetie to come to him.
She buried her face deeper into my lap.
She wasn’t leaving.
A few seconds passed.
I pushed the moment’s truth.
“She’s a little afraid of you right now.”
“Well, I love her,” he said in a softer voice.
“Oh…that’s obvious. I know you do because you’re sitting on the ground with me trying to help her.”
I could tell Dale sincerely felt bad that this moment was even happening.
Not taking his eyes off Sweetie, he began to open up about his life.
He shared what had sparked the reason for her hiding. He shared that he was pissed about a lot of things. I listened…and it was clear the world had whacked him with a few cruel blows. He and Sweetie were living on a boat…and he admitted, it was hard.
Sweetie wasn’t the only one who needed a friend.
I became one to each.
As our conversation drew to a close, Sweetie was still hiding in my lap, I felt a nudge to offer: “Dale…if you feel Sweetie is too much to handle…I’ll help you. I’ll take her.”
He didn’t say anything to me.
He spoke directly to the dog.
“Sweetie…do you wanna’ go live with this nice man? Do you want him to take care of you? I know he will. Sweetie…tell me what you want to do.”
Little Sweetie seemed to understand what Dale was asking…and feeling. In some huge, crazy, miraculous way…she seemed to weirdly sense the size of this life moment.
She lifted her hiding face.
She looked at him.
I wasn’t sure what to do next.
Do I say something?
Do I wait for Dale to say something?
Finally, Sweetie did.
She left my lap and went over to Dale.
Cautiously, she sat next to him.
She would not abandon him.
He petted her softly.
“I’m sorry,” he said to her.
Then Dale turned his attention back to me.
“I don’t like people much, but you’re a good guy. You’re kind to Sweetie…and to me. I’ve seen you walk around here before, and now that I know you, if I have trouble again…I’ll look for you. I’d want her to be with you.”
I smiled and said: “Sweetie’s now my friend. You’re now my friend, too. And I look out for my friends.”
Just in case…
the dogs and I will walk this route every day for a while.
Just in case…
a little white-mutt poodle…and her owner…need a friend.
Just in case…
the world needs a little more kindness.
EXTRA Thoughts…

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