Blog #562: I Speak Mosquito

Three nights ago…
He snuck into my life with bad intent.
And now he won’t go away.
Maybe it’s a “him.”
Maybe it’s a “her.”
I can’t be certain.
A little Googling research teaches me…
The “hims” only get about 7 days.
The “hers” live up to 48 days.
I hope it’s a “him.”
Just wondering…
Maybe that’s why mosquitos live their life at full throttle.
They’re on a mission to live big while big is still possible.
So yeah…
I’ve got an unpleasant…unwanted…undiscovered…mosquito that visits only at night. I’ve looked for him during the day…perhaps hanging out on a curtain drape or on a plant leaf…but I can’t find him.
But for three nights in a row…
He has found ME.
My mistake is I like to sleep with the window open.
I like cool, fresh air at night. That’s when he did his sneaky, mosquito thing and snuck in. I know last week I wrote about saving snails and worms…but I’m not singing “God Save the Queen” for this dude.
He plays for blood.
Night #1:
As usual, I slept on top of the covers. He found my toes…multiple times. And my left thigh. It was only after he was gone that I felt his “I was here!” mark…and sting. Sleep was off-and-on as I was put on “Mosquito Alert!”
Night #2:
My body hid under the covers so he couldn’t get me. But even after I buried myself under my blankets and gave myself heat stroke, he consistently buzzed around my exposed head and ears looking for an opening.
In my limited knowledge of speaking “Mosquito,” he was saying:
“You might not feel my sting…but you’re going to feel me!“
I think his buzz might be even worse than his sting.
Worry glamorizes what might happen.
Night #3:
Last night, he showed up AGAIN. I tried sleeping with the lights on so I could see him…but nope. When I flashed out of bed, he magically disappeared.
He’s smarter than me.
I’m losing on the show “Are You Mightier Than a Mosquito?“
So this morning…
I’m thinking about mosquitos.
1. They’re very, very little…with very, very big ambitions.
2. Their lives are super short…but they “Go for it!” with passion and purpose.
3. One tiny mosquito has the power to make a big impact.
I’m positive I’m losing on the show “Are You Mightier Than a Mosquito?“
I’m often asked…
“How do you keep coming up with ideas to write about on Thursday?“
My answer?
I live life knowing I’m living a story.
Every day I walk and breathe…there’s a story being written.
I watch the story… and then give the story words.
Every year a new chapter in our book is being written.
Each chapter is composed of 365 days.
And in each of those 365 days there are hidden stories.
It’s in the stories that my life becomes an adventure, and because I love adventure…I pay close attention to my stories.
Even when a very, very small mosquito is telling it.
May you LIVE your story well.
May you LOVE your story more.
EXTRA Thoughts…
I’m sensing today will be rich with stories.
I hope you’re feeling that, too.
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:
Thank you for walking with me today.
And please remember to…#ClapForSomeone.
With kindness and gratitude…

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