Blog #567: The Guy Who Got the Crumbs

I’m in Panama City, Panama.
But this week’s blog isn’t about having my inspiration sparked by a person, the history or the culture.
It’s about being mesmerized by a one-legged bird.
From the pier where my ship is docked…
I navigated my way into Old Town Panama by taking a bus…then a metro train…then walking three miles.
For me…
Figuring out the pieces of how to get to where I want to go in a place I’ve never been is a brain-invigorating adventure puzzle.
Being lost never scares me because I know I have the power to figure it out.
After walking up and down street after street…
My tired sneakers took me to a bench by the water where I watched people feed their lunch to hungry birds. There were 50+ birds who showed up for the event…each hoping for a food crumb to be tossed his way.
ALL the birds stood waiting.
But one.
One bird…
He was the bravest and boldest of all his bird friends. He chose not to wait for a crumb to fly to him, but instead…flew to most every crumb that was tossed.
And he succeeded in getting crumbs…often.
He swallowed fast.
He flew faster.
All on ONE leg.
This guy’s second leg just wasn’t there.
It wasn’t tucked up into his body because he was injured or anything…
he just didn’t have it.
He had 1/2 a leg.
I pointed the special guy out to the other people, but they seemed unimpressed. “He’s just a bird with one leg…no big deal,” came the paraphrased response.
But to me…
He was a BIG deal.
He was…
I’ve walked enough days in life to know…
Limitations live big when they’re allowed to BE big.
But this special bird had no clue he was limited.
Having only one leg meant nothing to this inspiring guy.
He was a faster flyer.
He was a more aggressive risk-taker.
He lived with bolder confidence.
There was nothing “Woe is me!” about him.
Now let me humbly share…
I’ve heard myself think, “I can’t do that.”
I’ve exaggerated my limitations to the point they became my ceiling.
I’ve lived smaller because I thought I was smaller.
And the harshly deep truth is…
When I chose to believe any of those three thoughts…
Rarely did I become bigger than any of those three thoughts.
When I believe I’m not enough…seldom am I.
This part of the blog is that little extra for you and I to think about.
Every day…
You and I wake up with a huge difference-making choice.
#1. Commit to believing in the limitations that keep us grounded.
#2. Quit staring in the mirror at our grounding limitations.
Our day will grow or shrink depending on that choice.
In honesty and humility…
In one way or another…
We each walk with “one leg.”
But on my wisest and boldest days…
I don’t let my “one leg” determine how high and far I can fly.
If I am extra blessed today…
I hope I can inspire at least one reader to feel the same.
If I am extra lucky…
that reader will be YOU.
EXTRA Thoughts…
A simple lesson…
From an inspiring one-legged, fast-flying bird… who has a few more breadcrumbs in his tummy than his two-legged friends.
“One leg” need not stop us from flying.
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:
And if you see opportunity…
I’m lucky YOU were here today.
With humble gratitude…

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