Blog #585: Two Notes for Old Mirrors

I’ve been asked OFTEN:
“What would you say to your younger self?”
I’ve NEVER been asked:
“What would you say to your older self?”
Today I’ll ask.
And answer.
Hey, O.G. (Old Guy)…
It’s ME.
Young YOU.
YoungER YOU.
So you knew it was inevitable…this growin’ old thing.
How ya’ doin’ with it?
My greatest HOPE for you is…
That although you ARE old…
You’re NOT living old.
I hope you’re…
Living adventures.
Meeting new people.
Creating difference-making projects.
Running with inspiring ideas.
Writing daily.
Reading lots.
Moving your body.
I hope you’re doing all the things you love to do.
Of course…
I GET you won’t be able to walk as fast and far as today…but who the “F” cares? You don’t walk to win races; you walk to breathe life.
I’m thinkin’…
The more you fail to move your body, the more your body will fail to wanna’ move. No matter how much your aches scream, please find a way to keep moving. If something happens and your body goes DOWN, fight like an Olympic athlete to do everything in your power to raise it UP again.
And please…
Get outside.
It’ll be easy to obsess about negative stuff: aching joints, lost hair, sagging skin and agonizing about a guy in the mirror who IS you…but doesn’t look like you.
Doing THAT won’t add to your happiness.
What is…IS.
I’m writing this on 4/23/23.
I have zero clue what your future wears…but no matter how challenging it is, live it every day with positivity, passion and purpose.
Anything less…is LESS than you.
And ONE last idea.
You love notes on mirrors.
Here’s two to give inspiration:
#1. TODAY is a great day…to LIVE an adventure.
#2. LIFE is BEST lived looking through windshields…not rear-view mirrors.
May you do both.
In tidying up today’s Extra Mile Thursday…
There WILL come a day when we meet our OLDER selves.
It may be…
Turning 40.
Turning 60.
Turning 80.
Turning 100.
I wonder if we’ll like the person we meet?
I wonder if others will?
I’ll read what I wrote today.
If I’m lucky, I’ll hear what I wrote.
If I’m extra lucky…
Today’s blog will make a difference for your older self, too.
EXTRA Thoughts…
OLDER us will discover how much
REGRET younger us left us to feel.
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:
The 40 Seconds I Lost My Shine
Today’s a perfect day to #ClapForSomeone.
May you do something extra cool with TODAY.
Thank you for reading this week.
I’m extra grateful you did.
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