Blog #591: It’s Not Slipping By

It’s a new thing I’m practicing.
I’m memorizing moments.
When I’m in the middle of living one…
I consciously remind myself:
“Don’t let it slip by.”
This past weekend…
I watched my two old dogs roll in the grass…simultaneously. Their little, furry bellies were pointed to the sky and their legs were kicking and reaching for the sun. Their eyes were closed tight, and they were dancing on their backs to an awesome song I couldn’t hear.
Of course…
I’ve smiled at seeing them do this dance together 500 times.
But now…
I’m not letting #501 slip by without memorizing the moment.
Memorize moments.
The moments that inspire you.
The moments that thrill you.
The moments that calm you.
The moments that remind you:
“I’m lucky to live this!”
THOSE moments.
Why memorize them?
Because who knows how many more of them we get?
For me, it’s…
The first sip…of a favorite drink.
The rich joy…of receiving extra good news.
The colorful caterpillar…working his way across the leaf.
The sight of a favorite food…sitting on my plate.
The fresh morning air…when I first open the door.
The inspiring song…that magically makes my feet move.
The quiet harmony…of a noiseless morning.
The accomplishment of achieving…something extra hard.
The hint of a cool breeze…at the end of exercising on a hot day.
The unfathomable wonder…of looking up at stars on a clear night.
The pleasure of finding a new friend…after a great first conversation.
The satisfying muscle burn…after having reached the top of a tough climb.
The video that makes me laugh hard…even after the tenth time.
The pleasure of hitting every green light…on the way to my destination.
The satisfaction of knowing…I succeeded because I went the extra mile.
I’m soaking them all in.
There will be an absolute last time for breathing, seeing, tasting, smelling, hearing, touching, feeling and living my favorite moments.
But none of mine will be forgotten anytime soon.
I’m not letting any of them slip by now.
I’m memorizing them.
EXTRA Thoughts…
I’ve had a little fame.
I’ve had a little power.
I’ve had a little money.
But none enrich my happiness more…
than breathing in the little moments.
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog?
In it, I write about flowers, gardeners…and life’s everyday routine to CHANGE something.
Here’s the link: It Got Me Here
The world gets a lot kinder when we are on a daily mission to #ClapForSomeone.
Thank you very much for reading today.
With humble gratitude…
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