Blog #592: I Thought I’d Count ‘Em

People like to count things.
How about counting Acts of Kindness?
So for 24 hours…
I counted.
And I learned something.
The more I counted the Acts of Kindness I tossed into the world…
The more I also focused on looking for opportunities to BE kind.
What motivated my unique mission?
I’m always my own walking experiment.
Living with kindness is an EXTRA big deal to me.
Anytime I say good-bye to a day without throwing kindness into the Universe, I think: “I wasted the day.”
Is not a thought I like to feel.
With that as my motivation, I wondered…
“Do I really walk with as much kindness as I want to?”
AFTER my 24-hour experiment…
I chronologically walked back through my day, remembering my interactions with people, nature and myself.
I typed out a numbered list of the kind things I’d done.
What made my list?
Every time I tossed what I felt was some sorta’ kindness into the Universe, I counted it. I noticed that consciously counting my Acts of Kindness made me go out of my way to DO them far MORE than I normally did.
The more I repeatedly DID kind things, the more I kept seeing tens of more opportunities to DO kind things.
I BECAME more of what I want to BECOME.
Some readers may wonder…
“Is actively seeking out ways to be kind…genuine kindness?”
To me…
A kindness is a kindness.
Think about it.
How many chances to BE kind are hiding out there unseen…
UNLESS we actively look to see them?
Here’s two examples from my 24-hour day…small and big:
1. I sought to show kindness to nature.
I was actively looking for struggling worms to lift off hot sidewalks. I succeeded at that. AND if any one of those worms could talk, s/he would undoubtedly thank me for looking out for him/her.
If I hadn’t…they’d be dead.
2. I sought to show kindness to people.
I purposefully thought about saying something positive to a cashier who wasn’t smiling. As I approached the front of the line, my brain spun: “What do I say?”
When I got to the front and had my chance to talk with her, I did. Her once unsmiling face dramatically changed when my words showed her:
“I see you.”
Before I left the store, I looked back over my shoulder at her cashier isle.
She was still smiling.
If I hadn’t said what I’d said, she might not have smiled her entire shift.
Who knows?
Looking for opportunities to be kind is the real deal.
And one more thing.
My 24-hour experiment reminded me that we each possess an awesome power to positively make an impact…with kind words and kind actions.
I love that part.
Because sometimes it’s extra easy to feel invisible.
We open our mouths and show someone else they’re not.
Will I do this counting thing…again?
If counting kindnesses is a reminder for me to look for opportunities to be kind more often…then why not do it?
If only there were a “watch” for counting THAT.
Counting Acts of Kindness.
Maybe I’ve intrigued you to try it.
I sense if you do…
It’ll feel pretty great to those whom you run into.
It’ll also feel pretty great inside your own heart.
EXTRA Thoughts…
When we show kindness…
the more kindness GROWS around us.
And in us.
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog?
In it, I share something new I started doing so that I don’t forget life’s best moments.
Here’s the audio version: It’s Not Slipping By
I’m grateful YOU were here.
With kindness and gratitude…
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