Blog #594: TOO x 3

Comfort Zones.
Of course…
They’re comfy, safe and secure.
But sometimes…
Hanging out TOO often in TOO comfy
leads us to miss out on TOO much.
Here’s a story about “Jacuzzis.”
My building in southern California has two of them.
There’s a giant Jacuzzi on the 3rd floor.
There’s a small Jacuzzi on the roof.
I gravitate 100% to the small one on the roof.
It allows me to see the line of planes coming into LAX airport.
Because no one is ever in it.
This week, however…
I had a whim to go down and use the big one.
I hadn’t used that one in years.
When I got there…
A group of four were animatedly chatting.
I slipped into the water silently so as not to interrupt their moment.
I found my way to a private corner with no intention of participating.
I was a thousand miles from hearing anything they said.
I just leaned back on the wall…and closed my eyes.
“What’s your name?”
I DID hear that.
Instinct told me to open my eyes.
The four were looking at me.
“I’m Shawn.”
Jacuzzi introductions followed.
I thought my time interacting was complete until the most vocal member of the four set her can of alcoholic “good times” down on the side of the Jacuzzi.
She asked: “What do you do, Shawn?”
I told her.
She answered: “That’s a strange career. Why do you do THAT?”‘
I was being nudged into my element.
In the fresh air.
With the Universe wide open above my head.
With the soothing sound of Jacuzzi jets.
Being asked questions about MY topics.
My passion immediately woke up.
I responded:
“Because I want to encourage others to climb their mountains.”
She asked: “Why not just climb your own mountain?”
I paused as my brain searched for an enticing response.
“Because I learned a Secret,” I said.
(Jacuzzi silence.)
A new questioner from the group spoke up: “What’s THE Secret?!”
I answered: “The Secret is…when I encourage others to climb mountains, I end up on top of mine. MORE.”
Four people.
Eight eyes.
All staring at me.
A third person jumped into the conversation: “Now that’s the most interesting thing anybody said this whole crazy night. Talk to us!”
I hung out for thirty minutes sharing.
On a stage.
In a Jacuzzi.
On my mountain top.
I can count on it to be true.
Life has a non-ceasing urge to become more interesting, adventurous, fascinating, empowering and engaging when I step out of my comfort zone.
The little Jacuzzi feels comfy, safe….and alone.
It’s often what I desire.
But TOO often…
Hanging out in TOO comfy…
Leads me to miss out on TOO much.
Sometimes we exist in the ruts life carves for us.
Sometimes we live in the self-created ruts we carve for ourselves.
In choosing the big Jacuzzi for one night…
I jumped out of my rut.
And now I have a story to remember.
Living in comfort zones is comfy, safe and secure.
But I ask…
When my life nears an end…will I reflect more on events lived IN my comfort zone…or OUT of it?
I know my answer.
You get to decide yours.
And later.
EXTRA Thoughts…
The once invisible writing is now clear. I can read it now. In the contract we have with “LIFE”… the small print at the bottom reads:
“To minimize regret and to maximize satisfaction, don’t stop stretching…YOU.”
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog?
In it, I share three things I do when my life feels a little…discombobulated.
Here’s the link: It’s a Yin and Yang Thing
I hope you #ClapForSomeone today.
Thank you for being here.
I’m grateful for your time.
With a heart of adventure and gratitude…
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