Blog #603: How I Made A. Friend

I’ve been asked 200+ times:
“What are your dogs’ names?”
I answer:
“She’s EMi. He’s Amicus.”
The answer back to me 50+ times:
“Those are strange (weird, odd, unusual) names.”
Here’s a recent email:
Hey Shawn,
Just finished reading Amicus 101 and got to tell you I loved it. Loved the story and especially loved Amicus. Every time he spoke, I wanted to read his words again.
Would love to know how it is that you came to name him Amicus? As a long time blog reader, your dog’s also named Amicus, right?
Thanks for creating a great character. Amicus is created, right? Who is he?
And here’s my response
(turned into this week’s blog):
Thank you, Dear Reader…
For sparking an idea for this week’s blog:
And you are right.
I DO share life with a magical little Chihuahua who goes by the same name.
So let me do my best…
To walk you through the stages on how the most difference-making character I’ve ever written or thought about came to life. And along the way, let me take you through the evolution of how a dog gets named Amicus.
First stage…
A long, long time ago…
I took a college Latin class at Berkeley. Let me brag and say I flunked it. But what I didn’t flunk, I was destined to bring to life thirty years later.
A word that means “Friend.”
Just so you know right from the beginning…
Making the word a part of my life didn’t start with me naming a dog or brainstorming a unique name for a book character.
It started with the Universe planting a seed during a class I failed:
“If you remember nothing about Latin, remember…Amicus.”
Second stage…
When I was in my mid 20’s…
I started this thing where I’d write anonymous POSITIVE notes to people… pastors, leaders and friends who were doing EXTRA inspiring things and I felt deserved a shout-out.
The notes were hand-written and signed anonymously:
A. Friend
I have no idea of how many “A. Friend” letters I’ve sent out over 35 years; it’s a secret number only the Universe knows. But it started with the intention to shine a light on others without putting attention back on me.
Third stage…
After starting the anonymous “A. Friend” notes, I grew into a person who loved encouraging others.
Doing it ALL the time became me.
When I talked to people and saw/heard/felt something extra awesome…
I didn’t just THINK the thought.
I shared it out loud.
Fourth stage…
I wanted to write a book sparked by the mysterious concept of A. Friend.
It didn’t take my brain much spinning to remember the college Latin class.
Friend = Amicus.
A book character was born.
Fifth stage…
Why name my dog Amicus…too?
I want to remind myself every day to continue to be an encourager. What better way to do THAT than to name a dog a positive word I’d say TEN times a day.
I do that with my pets’ names.
I give them names that trigger positive meaning for me.
You now know “Amicus” (also pictured in the banner photo at the top).
His extra happy twin sister is “EMi” (for Extra Mile).
Their suave tortoise roommate is “Fibs” (after my book The Four Fibs).
That’s how the word Amicus came to live in my life.
As a dog.
As a book character.
And by the way…
Amicus (the book character) shines his life-changing brightest in my ebook The Four Fibs. I hope you give it a read.
Will Amicus ever show up again somewhere else?
I have it on good authority he will.
So, Dear Reader…
Gratitude…for reading Amicus 101.
Gratitude…for the questions.
Gratitude…for today’s blog topic.
Gratitude…for helping my day shine brighter.
A take away for YOU from today’s blog?
They change us.
The words we use.
The words we write on mirror notes.
The words in the books our brains soak in.
The words we chant in the mantras we recite.
And even the words we name our pets.
They all matter.
And the more we breathe in positive, empowering and inspiring words…
the more we become those same positive, empowering and inspiring words.
A Latin class, a book character and a cool Chihuahua taught me that.
With gratitude for reading…
EXTRA Thoughts…
Excerpt from the book The Four Fibs:
“I’m Amicus.”
Yep…I thought his name was strange, too, when I first heard his total George Clooney-esque voice share it for the first time. I even had to repeat it twice before I was even sure I heard it correctly.
I said it again pronouncing each syllable clearly and thinking I must be getting the name wrong somehow.
“Yes…Am-i-cus,” he smiled and laughed as he repeated his own name.
“Cool,” I said aloud…not knowing really what to say next.
He saved me by continuing, “Actually, Amicus is a Latin word meaning ‘a friend,’ and being ‘a friend’ is what I have learned to be pretty great at being.”
“Well…,” I thought 100% to myself, “that’s an odd thing to say.”
But it was at that point that I had no clue in the world that over the next five hours the words from “a friend” would dramatically and positively shake my world.
With gratitude for hanging out with me today…
A. Friend
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