Blog #604: She’s a Yes. He’s a No.

This week…
A harsh wisdom tooth extraction…
has my feet grounded.
With my feet moving slowly…
so are my day-to-day adventures.
So for today’s blog…
I’m dipping into my email bag.
As for my wisdom tooth?
It ended up being a case where my jaw was madly in love with the tooth.
They didn’t want to part ways.
As for the emails today?
I’ve chosen THREE.
May the questions asked and the answers given add thought to your day.
#1. Bucket Lists…Yes or No?
Shawn –
My wife and I both read your Thursday newsletter. She is bugging me about bucket lists. I tell her I don’t have one. She says I need one. I told her I’m happy living like I am every day. We agreed to write you. Should I have a bucket list?
My response:
Dear “Have One” and “Don’t Have One”…
ONE of you carries a vision for creating cool tomorrows.
ONE of you wears harmony in how you live today.
How can either of you be wrong?
Maybe you (the husband) have more of a Bucket List than you let on to having.
“Find happiness in my day.”
If you know how to make THAT happen for you daily…
you’re living life like millions wish they could.
You may want to think of jumping on one of your wife’s Bucket List ideas…
in order to give your Invisible Bucket List item continued…”stability.”
Gratitude for reading…
#2. “I Want To Be an Influencer!”
Hi Shawn,
I’m only 24, but I know what I want to do. I want to be a motivational influencer like you. What suggestions do you have for me?
My response:
Hello, Friend…
You’re kind to think what you think.
Thank you for that.
I have many ideas of how to increase your chances for success in what you want to achieve…but every one of my ideas gets extra small until you master ONE:
“Be great at motivating the person in the mirror to navigate through defeat, rejection and challenge…before ever expecting to be great at motivating people outside our window to be the same.”
I wish you giant success in making your dream your reality.
Keep me in the loop.
With humble gratitude…
#3. Am I TOO Old?
I’ve never gotten to chase the adventures I dreamed about when I was young. Now I think I’m too old to chase them. Is there a too old?
My response:
Dear Friend…
I DON’T know if there is a “TOO old”…or not.
If there is…I haven’t gotten there yet.
Go for it.
With gratitude for reading…
I’m not shy about answering emails.
If you read and respond to this blog…
I owe it to you to read and respond back.
Maybe you’ll like my answer.
Maybe not.
But every answer I write…
will be cemented in positive belief, passion and purpose.
Is there any better way to live TODAY?
EXTRA Thoughts…
The photo at the top of today’s blog
is from my recent walk across Scotland.
Every day…
There was a new road to see.
There was a new road to walk.
Like life.
Enjoy your roads.
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog?
What do anonymous notes of encouragement, a book character and a magical Chihuahua have in common?
Read from the link below.
TODAY is always the best day of the week to #ClapForSomeone.
Thank you for being here.
Thank you for reading.
With gratitude…
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