Blog #608: Her. Me. Her. Me.

I share four thoughts on it.
I hope one gets you to look at a calendar.
And plan.
#1: It Moves Fast.
It’s now October 2023.
Life is an unstoppable, 250 miles-per-hour bullet train.
The older my age, the larger my goals…the faster the train goes.
This train…
It doesn’t wait for me to decide.
It doesn’t wait for me to get my act together.
It doesn’t wait for my itinerary to be perfect before moving.
It moves no matter what.
I sense at the end of the “Time Train” ride, I will wonder:
“Did I give it my best?”
“Did I make a difference?”
“Did I GO…did I DO…did I TRY?”
I’m sure I will think about those questions…later.
It’s why I live like I live…now.
#2: It Hides.
Her: “I’ve never been to Europe.”
Me: “Then plan a trip…and go!”
Her: “I will when I find time.”
Me: “When will that be?”
Her: “I’ll know when I find it.”
WE wait to find TIME.
We think TIME will find us.
Two beliefs worth rethinking.
#3: It Changes Us.
TIME has closed the door on a few goals I once dreamed of accomplishing.
But TIME has not closed the door on becoming the person I’d like to be.
My instinct nudges me to believe that in the end…
The person I became will matter more than what I achieved.
TIME is still on my side to be my best self.
#4: It Runs Out.
(I’ll let a reader’s email finish this week’s blog.)
My friend,
You delivered again! Bravo for last week’s blog. Thank you for your blogs and being my motivational pen pal over the years.
Painfully, I have bad news to share. The report came back as bad as it could. The C is out of control. Our back and forth has come to an end.
Don’t stop writing, Shawn. Don’t stop reminding people to live before it’s too late to live anymore.
Thank you for being my pen pal and friend. You did good.
EXTRA Thoughts…
Major Truth Reveal:
Tomorrow carries an even better excuse.
1. Miss last week’s blog?
A reader feels like Charlie Brown’s Christmas tree. I do a little “Linus-ing” and offer him a few ideas to feel differently.
Take a listen: I’m Not Charlie’s Tree
2. Have you heard The Extra Mile Minute?
It’s only 1:51 long…and it has the purpose of adding a little extra inspiration to your day.
Take a listen: The Magical Box Seats
3. Who am I clapping for this week?
There’s a little town in England…pop. 3,070. They couldn’t find a doctor…so they got creative.
Take a look: #ClapForSomeone.
This week…
May you find TIME to be YOU.
With gratitude for reading…
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