Blog #613: The Girl with the Smile

Sometimes life pushes us there.
We decide how long we stay.
It was about 25 years ago…
I’d be standing in my front yard watering the lawn, and a young, happy neighbor girl down the street would see me…and run to talk with me.
She wore a contagious smile.
She was 10.
It was about 5 years ago…
That same young girl showed up at my door again.
She was visiting her family who still lived in the neighborhood…and stopped by to say hi. At first, I was caught in one of those “I know this person… but who is she?” moments. When it hit me who she was…I smiled as big at her as she used to smile at me when she was 10.
She shared the details of her life.
She had long graduated from high school, gotten married and had moved to Colorado. She was now cast in the role of mom to her four kids.
The more she talked…
The more I could again see the little girl who once ran up the street to see me.
She was back.
A week ago…
I heard that the young neighbor girl of many years ago had gotten sick.
And then she caught pneumonia. And then one morning, she didn’t wake up.
She didn’t make it to age 40.
When I received the news…
I got numb all over.
She was gone.
Life demands it.
We need to juggle.
The good and bad news.
The good and bad feelings.
The good and bad thoughts.
The good and bad moments.
Failing to be a juggler leads to us getting stuck holding onto all the heavy, bad, dark and ugly stuff. The good stuff falls to the ground, and we no longer even see or feel it.
Hold onto the bad too long, too hard or too much…
And we drown.
Inevitably it happens.
The numbing thing.
A terribly sobering life moment crashes into our world, and we are forced to decide whether we are going to swim or drown.
It will take an intentional and internal self-push for us to choose to swim.
To help both of us remember swimming is a choice, here’s a brain post-it:
1. Live each day…well.
2. Celebrate good stuff…longer.
3. Pass on the positive…daily.
Life is not forever.
Of course, we know this.
But do we live acting like we do?
Don’t make the mistake of thinking you get tomorrow.
EXTRA Thoughts…
“Drown or swim?”
It’s a question that requires our answer 100 times as we navigate life’s ever pressing currents.
And waves.
And tsunamis.
1. Miss last week’s blog?
I share a big idea in a short blog.
Take a listen: I’m in Timeout
2. Who am I clapping for this week?
She wears #5. And she’s stepping onto the court again after missing the last 23 months because of season-ending injuries. Who is she?
Take a look: #ClapForSomeone.
3. Have you heard The Extra Mile Minute?
It’s only 1:51 long…and it has the purpose of adding a little extra inspiration to your day.
Take a listen: The Magical Box Seats
This week…
May you…
1. Live each day…well.
2. Celebrate good stuff…longer.
3. Pass on the positive…daily.
Thank you for reading today.
With humble gratitude…
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