Blog #622: Guinea Pigs and Shape Shifters

Each Thursday…
I write something…
That people either flow with…
Or say “NO!” with.
Last week…
I heard from both.
Excerpts from last week’s email:
Reader #1:
“In reading about your health issues, I thought you might better understand the challenges older readers face. Yet here you are again with excessive optimism.”
My response:
“No matter my age or the challenges I face…
I have a choice of living life in one of TWO ways:
#1. I can look out the front window and see unlived adventures…awaiting.
#2. I can look through the rear-view mirror and see opportunities…passed.
For me…
Life feels better looking through front windows.
No matter the age.”
Reader #2:
“I’d like your opinion on knowing when to quit and when not to quit. How do you know?”
My response:
“I don’t make a goal unless I REALLY want it. And when I REALLY want it, I don’t quit going for it without gutting through HUGE challenges first.
If, after pursuit and reflection, I can see my FUTURE carrying MORE suffering than reward if I continue to go for the goal… I will turn around.
Life is TOO short to chase suffering.”
Reader #3:
“I signed up for your Thursdays hoping for more. You leave God out of your blogs. Without God, motivation doesn’t matter. Unsubscribe me.”
My response:
“Ummm…okay. Thank you for your perspective, and I’m grateful you gave me a try. I wish you giant health, happiness, and harmony in all you live.”
Reader #4:
“I love what you do, and want to do it too! I’m 22 and all my friends already come to me when they need motivation. How can I make it my career?”
My response:
“Let me plant three seeds to help you grow confidence in becoming what you want to become:
Seed #1: Create Consistency in Yourself.
Consistently live what you talk about regarding motivation, purpose, and overcoming challenges. When you’ve got that down…you’re ready to teach what you preach.
Seed #2: See a Guinea Pig in the Mirror.
Before you share with others what can work…KNOW that it DOES by testing it on your own goals and challenges. Being a good motivator for others begins with being a great motivator for yourself.
Seed #3: Learn How to Shape-Shift.
Cause and effect shape lives. Develop the power to shape adversity in your own life…and you’re ready to be a voice that shows others how to do the same.
May these three seeds assist in growing a hugely difference-making motivator.
To all those who read today?
Thank you.
I hope I planted a positive seed in your day.
EXTRA Thoughts…
Every day…
May your eyes see the magic that is always visible.
Thank you for hanging out with me this week.
I’m lucky that you did.
With appreciation and gratitude…
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