Blog #631: Moving Like a Zombie

Walk with me.
I’m talking about transitions.
The ones that change our lives.
I see it clearly now.
Life IS transitions.
From graduating to the next grade to the next school to the next stage.
From learning to re-learning to re-learning again.
From being young to growing old.
From crying our first time to crying our last.
You’d think we’d eventually figure out how to transition with ease, huh?
But it’s often not easy.
Sometimes we get extra comfortable with where we are…
as if we own the right to stay there forever.
It’s good to remember….
Everything in life is on loan.
So here I am again.
I’m at the beginning of another significant transition.
Of course…
It’s easy for my head to get stuck dwelling on the physical stuff that I don’t like about growing older. My body wakes up feeling foreign, stiff joints sometimes push me to move like a zombie…and “climbing mountains” in many areas of my life has become more challenging to do.
I like none of THAT.
And although…
It’s easy to whine when my body isn’t responding like it once did, I am aware of the importance (and need!) to continually remind myself that there ARE positives in this growing-old thing…TOO.
We might not want to think it, but there are.
One good thing about aging?
My views have become healthier.
Take my evolving thoughts on Success.
I thought Success was as I was taught.
Create money.
Create popularity.
Create influence.
I know Success is what I’ve learned.
Create health.
Create harmony.
Create purpose.
There’s far less stressing and striving associated with NOW…for sure.
So how about you?
Are you experiencing a transition that’s hit you hard?
A change in work?
A change in location?
A change in a relationship?
A change in financial or physical health?
Find the good in what you’re going through.
And then tell someone else about the good.
When it comes out of our mouths, we’ll begin to claim its truth.
Labeling a transition with the hashtag “#ThisSucks”…
Will never help us adjust easier to any transition. Transitions will forever feel EXTRA big, dark and scary as long as we continually see them as THAT.
Negative grows where it is watered.
Definitely a reminder to me.
Perhaps a reminder to you.
Just in case you need one today, too.
PS: Photo at top taken on my 750-mile walk across Shikoku, Japan.
EXTRA Thoughts…
I wanted to eat in fancy restaurants with 100 well-dressed diners. I thought that was success.
I want to picnic under a tree, eat a homemade sandwich, watch nature…and chat with a friend. That’s peaceful and harmonious.
And isn’t “finding harmony” life’s best success?
For me now…
The simplest often feels the richest to my soul.
May you find harmony in all of life’s transitions.
Thank you for being here today.
With humble gratitude…
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