Blog #635: Paper, People or Pretending?

Playing pretend.
That’s what many of us do when we set a goal.
When we say we want to…
Get fit.
Eat better.
Lose the pounds.
Start the program.
Submit the application.
Create the habit.
Get up earlier.
Change the job.
Write the book.
Save the money.
Develop the skill.
Start the business.
Become our better self.
It’s just pretend without accountability.
Few like the word.
But without the application of it, thinking we’ll achieve a goal is just us playing the Pretend Game.
“How are you going to succeed?”
Who are you going to tell you’re going for it?
What system do you have for monitoring your daily progress?
Who’s going to regularly ask, “How did you do today?”
BIG goals.
BIG dreams.
BIG challenges.
They shrink to BIG nothings without accountability.
Here are TWO proven ways to add accountability to your goal.
1. Use paper.
2. Use people.
Write it down.
Tell it to others.
Either the paper needs to stare at you…
Or the person needs to call you.
Every day.
Have a different accountability system in mind?
Just make sure it’s in your face every day.
Don’t let next week, month or year arrive being in the same unsettling place. Because without adding accountability to your goal, you probably WILL be.
So today…
I’m pushin’ harder with my message because I want you to get what you want. Let me leave you with two clear choices regarding your current goal:
#1. Add accountability to it.
#2. Keep mastering the Pretend Game.
Your choice shapes your tomorrows.
Note: The photo above? That’s me pedaling from San Francisco to Boston. I remember that day. I was pushing through the Midwest, and a crazy storm was coming in hard behind me. My legs were moving up and down as fast as they could…trying to outrun the rain.
EXTRA Thoughts…
Give yourself a chance.
Sure, you might love to set a goal of 50 push-ups a day, but why not start with momentum-building goals we can succeed at…and can keep doing?
Start with 10…and succeed consistently.
Move to 20…and succeed consistently.
Don’t crush the potential for success by oversizing the steps to get there.
Miss last week’s blog?
I write about two sleeping giants who live around the corner. I’m hoping there’s one thing you don’t have in common with them.
A Story of Two Sleeping Giants
May you give your goal wings.
Thank you for walking with me today.
Thank you for reading Extra Mile Thursday.
With appreciation and gratitude…
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