Blog #636: I Didn’t Listen

I received an email from a woman
who is inspired to walk across Spain.
Her husband isn’t impressed.
Shawn –
I’m grateful for Thursdays and want you to know you’re making a difference. Two years ago, you inspired me to start walking long distances. Now, I want to take the next step on my journey and walk the Camino de Santiago.
I think about doing it every day, but just as frequently, my husband pours water on the idea. Perhaps this doesn’t happen to you, but what do you do when people think your dream is foolish?
Thank you for your positive example and inspiration.
This week’s blog idea!!
Here is my response.
Dear Friend…
NOT wanting to tug at your husband’s shirttail, I won’t dare point in the direction YOU should walk, but I will answer your question:
“What do you do when people think your dream is foolish?”
In 2009…
I received this message before starting the Extra Mile America Tour…where I pedaled a bike from San Francisco to Boston and held events in 21 cities.
“Listen, Shawn, I don’t want to deflate your bicycle tires, but I’ve got to say that I am very concerned about the viability of the Tour at this stage. The fact that you don’t have the sponsors you’d hoped for — and got so many NOs in a row — well, I think it’s something to look at. Sometimes the universe gives you signs so that you can alter your course and take another road. This could mean postponing the tour and doing it when you have the support you really need/want. I know timing is a big piece of this, but I am seriously concerned about your well-being and ability to do this with so little support. I have no idea how much money you have spent thus far. And I know this is not your main motivator or concern. So, I am asking you to consider what I am saying before that release goes out. No one would fault you for postponing and regrouping at this stage. And I would of course help you do it gracefully, leaving the possibilities open for another road. I am not abandoning you, Shawn. But my gut told me to address this with you before it’s too late. Please consider what I’ve said and let’s talk in the morning.”
I didn’t listen.
And because I didn’t…
The Tour was a smashing success…and Extra Mile Day sprouted from the event. Since 2009, thousands of volunteers have now been recognized across the U.S. for “going the extra mile”… and on 11/1/2023, 513 cities participated.
In 2014…
I received this email as I looked into speaking in the Philippines.
“You must consider the culture here in the Philippines. No motivational speaker has gathered that number of crowd yet here in the country. Events such as concerts, religious gatherings and even political gatherings can’t even some up to that number. A huge crowd here in the Philippines will only gather for a concert of a very popular band, actor, or singer; political gatherings and rallies (only if there’s money involved); religious gathering such as Papal visit.”
I didn’t listen.
And because I didn’t, over a 30-day period, I had the awesome privilege of pouring my soul into speaking to over 10,000 Filipinos.
In 2019…
I received an email wondering why I walk across countries.
“Why do you walk across countries? Is something missing in your life that you do such crazy things? What are you trying to prove? If you acted like a normal person and walked around the block a couple of times you would be happier.”
I didn’t listen.
And because I didn’t, I’ve now walked across nine countries. After reaching the last day on every one of those walks, I celebrated in quiet gratitude for having lived such a great adventure.
What should YOU do?
You have the honor of making that decision for you.
But in 2009, this is what I wrote to MY concerned doubter:
I sincerely appreciate your concern, and your response is certainly reasonable. However, I have never chosen to take the “reasonable road.” Furthermore, I would be letting myself down…and failing the people (no matter how many or how few) who need to hear the “extra mile” message. We get one life…mine is now…I am not assured of tomorrow…this story will be written.
As to the “No!”s? I worry not. I have heard “no” a million times in my life. I move forward with energy and faith, and I am prepared for whatever results may come. But in the end…at the very least, I will stand out to a select number of people as an example of what it is to dream…and then follow through. Sure, there are no guarantees. There never was. This Tour has ALWAYS been about possibility. It’s about going the extra mile.
Thank you for bringing this up though. You did your job…and what you felt you had to do. I would rather let this subject end here, however…with no further discussion. There are no advantages in my mind in continuing to talk about it.
But…again…I am grateful to you for speaking out.
This Extra Mile America story will be written…and maybe against all odds it starts…but in the end, it will produce results. I believe.
ONLY great things will come from this.
Trust me.
“What do you do when people think your dream is foolish?”
You know MY answer.
Let me know what YOU do.
With gratitude…
Note: The photo at the top is taped on a door in my home…today. It reminds me to live with bold courage…and when others may wear doubt, I don’t have to.
EXTRA Thoughts…
To those reading this week…
I hope today’s blog makes a difference for YOU.
Especially when voices are muttering:
You’ll lose.
You’re too old.
You’re not qualified.
You’re not good enough.
You’ll embarrass yourself.
When we let their voices matter most…
they were right.
Miss last week’s blog?
I share two tips that make a difference in whether you achieve your goal…or not.
May you live boldly.
Thank you for walking with me today.
With appreciation and gratitude…
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