Blog #639: How to Find the Good Stuff

May 9, 2024Blog Post

From an unhappy email sender:

“I signed up for your blog thinking you would teach me to be more successful and make more money, but I’m disappointed you’re not doing that.”



Dear Friend…

I apologize for not delivering on what you thought I’d deliver.

Please know, however…

My intention with this blog (now 639 Thursdays since my initial inspiration) is to share my life experiences – what I know and what I have lived – to perhaps inspire other people to create their own best life experiences and adventures.

With a thousand…I perhaps have succeeded.

With a thousand…perhaps not so much.


Let me not let you leave my blog without giving you a tiny bit of what you might have expected when you signed up, huh?

I’ll call this list…

23 Nudges to Create Wealth, Health…and Other Good Stuff

Never keep working in a career you don’t like.
Hang out with people who stimulate inspiration…not desperation.
Get good at taking action. It gets us to where we want to go, and it takes us away from what we’d like to escape.
Start your day with positive movement, and your mind will follow.
Always have a book that you’re reading. And if you start reading a book that doesn’t keep your attention, open a new one.
Surround yourself with positive messages to remind you of who you want to be and where you want to go…for days when you forget.
Always know where tomorrow is going the night before tomorrow starts.
Never spend more than you can afford to pay at the end of the month.
Do something that makes you smile every day.
Give your brain and emotions a break. Avoid news overdose.
Do one thing to get your body moving every day.
Do something extra for at least one person every day.
Wealthy people don’t become so by saving money. They become so by investing it.
Keep kindness flowing into the world…especially with yourself.
Make “sleeping well” a giant goal.
Live every day with a purpose.
Celebrate the small wins. When we do, we keep ourselves inspired to keep trying to create the big ones.
Pay off debt before increasing it.
Find something to be grateful for every day. And tell someone about it.
Fall in love with nature. It’s there you will find rejuvenation.
Don’t accept what you don’t like about yourself. Change it.
Make friends with fear.
Always get up one more time than life knocks you down.

Why a list of 23?

Success is often found when we dare to be different.

Count that as #24.

Did I make up for lost ground on this one?


With gratitude for you subscribing…



Note: The photo above? That stacked-rock formation sits outside my home. On walking trails around the world, I regularly see these. For many, carrying a rock and then stacking it at the end of a trail represents releasing a burden the person carries in his life. For me? The rock I’m stacking represents a specific goal that I’m letting the “Universe” know I’m coming for.

EXTRA Thoughts

What I didn’t like about my life yesterday…

I’m doing my very best to make it better today.

How about you?


Miss last week’s blog?

Ever feel that you’re walking through life in “survival” mode? Then I’m pretty sure I wrote this blog for you. Take a listen to the audio?

Welcome to the Town of Survival


This week…

May your steps be difference-making.

May your words be inspiring.

With gratitude for walking with me…

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