Blog #642: Scribbling in the Margins

May 30, 2024Blog Post

It doesn’t feel great to say…
But the truth is what it is.

Each day we live…
We lose something.


Here are three biggies.

We lose a memory.

We lose a breath.

We lose a day.

Those are hard losses.

But with a day’s losses comes a chance for wins, too.

Each day we are gifted…

We have an opportunity to gain something new.

We can make a friend.

We can create an adventure.

We can learn something inspiring.

Each day takes and gives.


The losing part is non-negotiable.

It’s all included in life’s pre-determined Rule Book for being a human.

We’re born.

We live.

We die.

There is nothing we can do about the Rules.

The gaining part is definitely negotiable.

It comes from the personalized notes we scribble in the margins of the Rule Book. The notes characterize how inspired or uninspired we live our lives. The notes detail the specifics of how we chose to breathe our limited breaths.

The blank margin space is our chance to get creative. It’s our chance to own our existence. It’s our chance to scribble in the stories and adventures that we dreamed, created and lived.

The words.

The colors.

The glitter.

We choose all of that.

We own the margins.

May we get extra great at scribbling in them.



NOTE: I just returned from Alaska. I hiked trails less hiked, watched tens of eagles soar, glimpsed whales hiding in ocean waters, and reflected on ancient glaciers that shined blue. If you’ve never been, I hope you one day create an opportunity to live your own Alaskan adventure. It’s my favorite state.

EXTRA Thoughts

Our thoughts are shadows.
They follow us wherever we go.

If we don’t like what’s following us…
It’s time to change what we’re thinking.

Miss last week’s blog?


We find a reason why we do…or don’t do. But is our reason for doing what we do a good reason?

If you missed last week’s blog, have a read:

Some DO Last Forever

Thank you for walking with me today.

May you create a successful week…

and may you inspire someone else to live the same.

With gratitude for you being here…

(Audio Version)

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