Blog #664: The Day My Bike Grew Wings

Every day…
Life tosses us a series of seemingly simple moments.
One of those simple moments has the power to
profoundly change the course of our lives.
One did for me.
It’s not new news…
I’ve pedaled a bike solo across the U.S.
The second time, my ride from San Francisco to Boston marked the beginning of an event I created that has now kept its breath for sixteen years.
Extra Mile Day.
Extra Mile Day came close to being “ONE and done.”
For me…
I point to Monarch Pass in Colorado as a reason I’ve been inspired to keep the “go the extra mile” mojo going.
Here’s my single profound moment.
I’ll preface this story by sharing…
I’ve never been a bike rider.
Odd thing to say for a guy who’s pedaled a bike across the country, but it’s true. Back then, I was a runner…and felt confidence in having strong legs and a heart oozing with fortitude.
In pedaling a bike across the heart of America…
You cross over the Rocky Mountains. At one point, there’s a pass called Monarch Pass at 11,312 feet elevation. I can share with firsthand knowledge that it’s possible to be standing up on the bike, pushing on the pedals as hard as your body weight can push…and still seemingly move barely an inch at a time.
When I made it to the top…
The 1,300+ miles I’d pedaled up to that point had taken a toll on my non-cyclist legs. I also had zero left in my soul.
I finally made it to the top-of-the-mountain rest stop and was sitting on a curb. It was where the cars would stop, and the passengers would jump out and soak in the view. But not me. My head hung to my knees, and I was sincerely pondering if my whole Extra Mile America Tour was worth it.
1. My body was exhausted.
2. The national media had yet to pick up the story.
3. I had spent over $50,000…with lots more to still leave my pocket.
It was as down a moment as I’ve ever lived.
But then…
I heard a voice ask…
“Are you him?”
I didn’t look up.
The voice asked again.
“Are you the Extra Mile Man?”
I raised my tired head.
Two people were standing in front of me.
The couple were traveling across the country from Oregon and had read a cover page article about me and my mission in the Montrose, Colorado, newspaper.
I found the wind to speak.
“I am.”
They excitedly shared…
My effort had inspired them, and they vowed to do two things when they returned to Oregon:
1. Volunteer.
2. Start riding bikes.
I felt their enthusiastic words with every fiber in my body.
I easily found my biggest smile ever for the picture they took with me.
THAT single moment…
Inspired me the rest of the way across America.
“What I was doing WAS making a difference!”
On November 1st…
For the 16th year, Extra Mile Day will be celebrated in cities across America. Since 2009, over 800 different cities have participated in one year or another. For the past 10 years, over 500 cities EACH year have participated.
Bigger than those numbers…
Extra Mile Day has been the vehicle to shine a bright light on THOUSANDS of individuals “going the extra mile” in volunteerism and service in their local towns and cities.
You may not currently be volunteering.
That doesn’t have to stop you from “going the extra mile” for others.
Every day you’re alive…
You wear the invisible superpower to “go the extra mile” in inspiring another human being to start…to continue…to finish.
Every day you’re alive…
You have a chance to be the inspiration that keeps someone’s tired legs moving forward.
I hope you use your opportunities.
It’s a shame…
I don’t know the names of the extra-mile couple who gave my bike wings on the top of Monarch Pass.
I’d like to tell them:
“You kept me going.”
May you and I do the same for someone else on November 1.
Extra Mile Day.
Note: The photo at the top? That’s me pedaling as fast as I can to beat an oncoming storm in the Midwest. It’s quite a different experience than pedaling up an 11,312 foot mountain pass.
EXTRA Thoughts…
Each day, every day…
There are TWO miles we can walk.
The FIRST mile.
The EXTRA mile.
The FIRST mile is the 5,280 feet that life requires us to walk every day – as parents, friends, spouses, partners, employees, bosses, bill payers, pet owners – and in checking off the mundane items on our daily “To Do” list.
The FIRST mile is what life requires of us to survive.
The EXTRA mile is finding the time, energy, and heart to keep walking, doing, and giving past our daily survival commitments. Despite feeling exhaustion, disappointment, and frustration, we still find the “push” in us to walk, do, and give extra for our health, goals, people, and the causes that matter to us.
The EXTRA mile is what life requires of us to thrive.
The FIRST mile.
The EXTRA mile.
We only need to “walk” the distance that gets us by, that allows us to survive…that gets us to tomorrow.
BUT why waste life living so little?
Did you miss last week’s blog?
Whatever age, job, or health you may be, I ask ONE question that will guard your future.
Here’s last week’s blog:
The Question That Rescues Tomorrow
Thank you for reading.
It inspires my soul that you do.
Never stop “going the extra mile.”
With appreciation and gratitude…
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