Blog #681: I’ve Never Met a Genie

Feb 27, 2025Blog Post

This week…

I’m writing about a topic I’ve literally
spent thousands of hours thinking about.

“How to succeed.”



Pick one.


In what area do you desire to find greater impact and success?


As I step further into this week’s topic, let me admit…

I’m hoping you’ve been far luckier than me.

What do I mean?

I’ve never had a door-opening celebrity genie in my pocket to help make things happen and create opportunities. Creating success has been an “inside job.”

For 45+ years, I’ve lived with a mantra inked on my brain:

“If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.”


BUT (#1) …

As I’ve walked my life walk…

Experience has taught me hard and often that just having a cool life mantra isn’t enough. Solely wishing for success has never made success happen for me.

BUT (#2) …

Adding routines that supplement that cool mantra have the authority to change everything about success.



It’s the word of the week that makes a difference for our lifetime.

Contrary to what some naysayers may have melted into their belief system…

“Routine” isn’t a boring concept that leads to reliving the same day over and over. Instead, routines are the magical breadcrumbs that encourage success to find us.

And stick around.

Routines give success the oxygen to breathe.
Routines are the bones that success clings to.

BUT (#3) …

When we choose to live life without creating success-building routines, what we’re subconsciously doing is tying our destinies to heart hopes and wishes whispered at falling stars…and unmet door-opening celebrity genies who aren’t even looking for us.



I’ve made them my best friends.

They push me.
They encourage me.
They keep me climbing mountains.


You’re uncertain about what routines to choose and walk with to create the success YOU seek, how about adopting a philosophy that works for me?

“If it makes your life more successful, do it every day.”


Time to get personal.

1. What routines would push your success or impact further?
2. What routines would make you feel better about your life?
3. What routines would help you feel more of what you want to feel?

If you’ve got your answers memorized…

Why dare wait another day to roll with them?


And finally…

Success doesn’t wait for us to get our act together…whenever.
But success does demand to know each day…

“What did you do to deserve me?”


Want more out of your life?

Establish routines.

And then positively live them every single day you’re gifted to breathe.



(Audio version)

EXTRA Thoughts

We get our act together…
When we get our routine together.

Miss last week’s blog?

Last week, a reader was carrying the weight of a giant question: “Is this as far as my success goes?”

I gave MY answer.


Chasing My Tail

This week…

May you find time to think about and create a routine that inspires your best success.

Thank you for your time.
Thank you for reading.

Be healthy.
Be happy.

With gratitude…

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