Blog #525: Brain Camping in Bonkersville

This week…
I was thrown a huge personal challenge.
The specifics of my challenge aren’t important or even what this week’s blog is about. BUT what this blog IS about is sharing a tool that helped me…and maybe it will help YOU… get through whatever challenges sting YOUR world.
The screwy bad stuff we sometimes face…
The rejections, the incapacities, the defeats, the negatives…they become even more SUPERSIZED when our brain goes bonkers and decides to camp out longer than needed with our miserable moments.
THAT was happening 100% to me.
I was in camp-out mode with my bad thoughts.
I changed where I was “brain camping.”
Life sucks MOST when we think the sucky thoughts the MOST.
I KNOW THIS…but sometimes we need a jump start to help us remember. When it became ultra-obvious my challenge was unavoidable, I had my “WAKE UP!” moment. I had to choose a new campground for my thoughts.
How did I do it?
By repeating this mantra:
“I’m bigger than whatever the world is throwing.”
“I’m bigger than whatever the world is throwing.”
“I’m bigger than whatever the world is throwing.”
“I’m bigger than whatever the world is throwing.”
“I’m bigger than whatever the world is throwing.”
THAT mantra encouraged my brain to pitch a tent in a new campground.
It replaced my bad thinking, pushed my self-defeating thoughts out, became my thought map the rest of the day, allowed me to reprogram the computer sitting on my shoulders…and empowered me to succeed in the moment being a better…ME.
ONE confident mantra did ALL that.
I repeated it.
I believed it.
I felt it.
I walked it.
Bad moments, experiences and days absolutely happen…
but they get much worse because we THINK them much worse.
I know this.
You know this.
But we need reminding.
One powerful thought repeated consistently can change a brain’s wrong-way road map, give needed boldness to a hesitant heart…and get concrete-planted feet moving.
“I’m bigger than whatever the world is throwing.”
“I’m bigger than whatever the world is throwing.”
“I’m bigger than whatever the world is throwing.”
“I’m bigger than whatever the world is throwing.”
“I’m bigger than whatever the world is throwing.”
THAT mantra now belongs to you, too.
EXTRA Thoughts…
Our brains are ours to own.
Unless we allow other tenants to rent them out.
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:
My BEST Squirrel Talk…Ever.
I’d love your help…big time.
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With humble gratitude…

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