Clap #48: Dreams

Clap #48: Dreams #ClapForSomeone… DREAMS. I love Indiana Jones’ movies…and a favorite character is Indy’s sidekick: “Short Round.” But as the kid actor grew, roles didn’t.He quit acting. But at 50, he was inspired to act...

CLAP #47: Blossom

CLAP #47: Blossom #ClapForSomeone… “Blossom.” Blossom’s goose partner, Bud, died. A kind soul not wanting her to be alone posted a Personal Ad: “Lovely widowed goose looking for a life partner for companionship and occasional...

CLAP #46: Edna Clyne-Rekhy

CLAP #46: Edna Clyne-Rekhy #ClapForSomeone… Edna Clyne-Rekhy. MILLIONS who’ve lost a pet know the poem The Rainbow Bridge. We just didn’t know the author. Now we do. At age 19, Edna (now 82) wrote the words for “Major.” Little did she...

CLAP #45: Coaches Yo and Staley

CLAP #45: Coaches Yo and Staley #ClapForSomeone… Basketball Coaches Yolett McCuin and Dawn Staley. @YolettMcCuin & @dawnstaley are not only A+ “Coaches”…but A+ “People.”It’s easy to clap for their teams because it’s...

CLAP #44: Graduating UConn Basketball Players

CLAP #44: Graduating UConn Basketball Players #ClapForSomeone… Graduating UConn Basketball players…#8 Lou Lopez-Senechal and #14 Dorka Juhasz. Thank you BOTH…for giving the @UConnHuskies the very best of you. It was a privilege to clap extra loud for both...

CLAP #43: Dolly Parton

CLAP #43: Dolly Parton #ClapForSomeone… 199,703,329. That’s how many books @DollyParton & @dollyslibrary have given to kids. “(My Daddy) was the smartest man I’ve ever known but I know in my heart his inability to read probably kept him from...

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