#486: Did I…?

Do me a small favor.
Ask the question.
“Did I like today?”
Did I listen to a song that touched my soul?
Did I eat a favorite food that brought out my “Mmm!”?
Did I learn something that made me whisper “Wow!”?
“Did I like today?”
Did I find value in how I spent my time?
Did I enjoy a conversation that was amazing?
Did I think, write or read something inspiring?
“Did I like today?”
Did I take a risk that pushed me?
Did I do something that made me feel alive?
Did I do something which moved another person an inch forward?
“Did I like today?”
Did I love something with every fiber of my being?
Did I plant a prayer, an idea, a kind word…or a flower?
Did I do something that inspired the confidence that tomorrow will be better?
Do me a favor.
Ask the question.
“Did I like today?”
Because the hard truth is…
you used one of your limited number of days living it.
EXTRA Thoughts…

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