#502: Follow Your Knows

What good does it do…
if we don’t DO what we know?
My quirky stumbles often find their way into Extra Mile Thursday.
Like today.
So let’s start with three things I know about a particular pair of exercise shorts.
1. I know it has short pockets.
2. I know things have fallen out of the zipper-less pockets before.
3. I know not to carry anything important in those pockets.
So today I chose to forget what I know and carry my credit card in my pocket.
Feeling good after an exercise along the beach, I walked to Trader Joe’s to pick up a few of my faves…Basil pesto, olive tapenade and bananas.
The cashier rang me up.
The groceries were bagged.
I reached into my pocket for my American Express.
Card wasn’t there.
Groceries came out of the bag.
Not feeling so well anymore.
Of course, a new credit card will arrive. Although it will be an annoying and time-wasting hassle to change the automatic payments associated with the lost card…not following my knows will only have a 60-minute impact on my life.
Not a big deal.
But it’s a reminder.
Individually…we know a bunch of secrets and rules that lead to greater success in multiple areas. Unfortunately, we are consistently lax in following them.
That poses a question:
“What good does it do if we don’t DO what we know?”
What good does it do to know the keys to happiness, health and success…
yet continue to fail to DO what we know?
Three uncomfortable truths:
1. We are our best enemy.
2. We are our best drama creator.
3. We are our best saboteur.
And until we start following our knows…why would that change?
EXTRA Thoughts…
It’s easy to tell others what to do.
It’s harder to live the words we share.
AND #1…
I updated my website! ShawnAnderson.com
AND #2…
If you missed last week’s blog, here’s the audio version: Worms and Beer Bottles.
May we practice the secrets we know.
With gratitude…