#487: How Many People Know?

The two were walking fast.
A giant chocolate-colored poodle and her walker.
My Chihuahuas and I were 3/4 around the morning’s walking loop when the two raced past us going the opposite direction. They were cranking it.
Twenty minutes later as me and my two mini Superdogs waited on the ground floor for the elevator to go home, the same GIANT Superdog and her walker came hustling through the door to wait for the elevator, too.
I said: “You walked that loop crazy fast!”
She said: “I have an 8:00 A.A. meeting to get to!”
I didn’t pick up her conversation lead, but instead, took note of the big brown dog that had crashed at her feet…definitely wiped out from their morning’s speed walk around the Marina. We talked about the tired pups until the elevator came, and we each got off on our respective floors.
But I definitely heard what she had said.
“I have an 8:00 A.A. meeting to get to!”
I love that.
Hey, if you’re gonna’ go for it…why not announce it?
A goal becomes more achievable the moment we share it with others.
In voicing intention, goals grow roots in commitment and accountability.
It’s easier to run from what we tell ourselves than what we tell others.
The most valuable accountability trick I know is telling others what I’m going to do long before I do it. The trick has pushed me to write seven books, run for political office, build a college, cross nine countries wearing sneakers, send this blog out on 487 Thursdays…and it’s why I know now I will lose ten pounds in eight weeks.
When others expect we’re going to do it…
we grow in the power to actually do it.
Have a goal?
How many people know about it?
EXTRA Thoughts…

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