#509: Knock the Mud Off

As I dive into this week’s blog…it’s key to know I’m a news junkie.
I want to know what’s going on in the world…every day throughout the day.
I devour multiple news lines – world, national, state, sports and entertainment.
If it hits the news, I’ve read about it.
At least I DID.
Knowing what’s going on and reading the news has a nasty double face.
It has the power to stoke intense negative feelings.
And in my deepest truth…
I’m tired of feeling the stuff I’ve been reading.
Digesting and contemplating the daily news has become just too HARSH.
It was time for me to do a little experimenting.
#1. I would stop reading or listening to all news for seven days.
#2. I would stop talking to others about the news.
Now this small “stop reading the news” experiment might not seem like a big challenge to you, but to me, it’s a BIG deal. At first, my brain was shouting:
“It’s a stupid experiment! You NEED to know what’s happening!”
But following through with goals is a measure of credibility to myself…
so I didn’t listen…and persisted…and succeeded.
After seven days…
I didn’t die for not knowing who won the World Series…nor did my life crash because I didn’t know what was happening in politics or world affairs.
On the contrary.
I am still going with the experiment.
As I write this now (11/10)…I’m on day #12.
THAT is a 180° shift from what WAS my reality.
What’s happened because of my “No News” experiment?
I have added MORE time to my life.
To read books.
To exercise.
To write.
To relax.
I feel MORE harmony.
By doing less…I found MORE.
When will my little experiment end?
I have no clue; but I’ll know when it’s time.
For today…
I’m content feeling what I feel…and knowing what I know.
What seed am I hoping to plant this week?
Don’t stick with what isn’t working.
If something is pouring cold water on the harmony of your thoughts, feelings and life…it’s time to ask yourself a seriously big question:
“Why am I still doing this?”
EXTRA Thoughts…
Want to feel lighter?
Knock the mud off of your shoes.
Miss last week’s blog?
Here’s the audio version:
The Day I Joined the Circus
Thank you for reading.
And thank you for being a kindred spirit.
I’m rooting for you.
With much gratitude…

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