Blog #535: Making Sidewalk Pizzas

I asked:
“Whatcha’ drawin’?”
One boy answered:
“We’re makin’ pizza.”
With parent nearby, two preschool age boys were sprawled out in front of the curb I was sitting on. With colored chalk, they were drawing big circles on the sidewalk.
They were going at it with full intent.
“You’re making pizzas, huh? What kind?” I asked.
After consulting each other privately, the lead boy answered: “Pep-woeni.”
“Ahhh. Looks good!” I replied.
“You like pizza?” the boy asked.
“Definitely! Who doesn’t!” I answered enthusiastically.
“Wanna’ make one?”
“Nah…I’ll just watch you make them,” I said.
That was the wrong answer.
One boy got up and brought me over a piece of chalk…anyway.
I looked over at the mom…hoping for a little reinforcement with my silently pleading “I don’t make pizza!” face.
It didn’t work. She smiled and gave me a head nod towards the sidewalk.
I was trapped in the “Don’t be a fuddy-duddy!” corner.
Being careful not to pull a muscle…
I slowly pushed my tired, overly-exercised butt off the curb. I gingerly walked the few steps to the sidewalk…and with the same slow, sore deliberation…sat down with my new piece of chalk in hand.
“Okay…let’s make some pizzas!” My voiced exuberance was the opposite of what my insides were actually feeling.
But if you’re going to play the game, play the game with the best you have.
I looked at my two extra-happy fellow pizza makers…and studied their artistry. I took careful note on how this “pizza-making thing” was supposed to go.
It seemed easy enough. Only two steps…really.
1. Draw something that looks close to a circle.
2. Add colored topping designs on the inside of the circle.
This was totally NOT my thing.
As my chalk touched the sidewalk, I had two concerns: 1) I hoped someone I knew didn’t see me drawing on the sidewalk, and 2) don’t make a bad pizza.
I drew my circle…and went for it.
“What kind of pizza is that?” one boy asked with concern….unsure as to what I was drawing.
“It’s a vegetarian pizza,” I said.
“Why you makin’ that?” he questioned.
“‘Cuz it’s my favorite pizza…and I’m hungry,” I answered back.
He studied my drawing carefully.
(“Oh…great!” I nervously thought to myself. “A Jr. Shawn question asker.”)
Thank goodness…
My vegetarian-pizza choice safely escaped further explanation.
He pretended to go back to his pizza…but really, he kept staring at my creation. As I started adding mushrooms, peppers and olives to my pizza circle, I saw a few black “circles” with holes in them getting added to his pizza now, too.
I asked for the red chalk to color my peppers.
“All done!” I said. “Pizza made!”
All four of us (mom included) closely examined my pizza.
I’m 100% not an artist nor am I a pizza maker…but I’d given both my best shot.
I set my chalk on the ground…and got up to leave.
“Are you gonna’ eat, too?” the lead questioner inquired as he realized he was about to lose the big person silly enough to get on the ground and make pizzas.
“Nah…I made this special pizza for you guys! Thank you for teaching me how to make pizzas…but I gotta’ get home now!”
There was quiet reflection as the little boy looked at my sidewalk pizza. He wasn’t ready to let me depart from the sidewalk-artist world.
“But I don’t like vetch-ble pizza. You need to make pep-woeni.”
“Well…maybe your mom might like this one,” I desperately looked up at the mom praying for a rescue.
This time…she came through.
“I love vegetable pizza! I’ll eat that one!” she shared enthusiastically.
My rescue was complete.
“Say thank you to the fun pizza guy for making pizzas with us!” she said to her two little ones.
They reluctantly complied.
“Thank you, Pizza Guy.”
The next day…
I returned to the sidewalk…and saw the now time-faded pizza circles were still there. I looked at mine…one of seven pizzas drawn. I did notice that all of them now seemed to have black olives…and I’m pretty sure there was a new pizza I hadn’t seen before that looked like it might’ve even been…”vetch-ble.”
I chuckled.
I’d done my best, but after examining my finished product now, I’m positive no one would imagine that my pizza had been drawn by an…ummm…”older” age sidewalk-pizza maker.
Comfort zones.
I need to remind myself that life feels pretty great when I grow the courage to walk out of mine.
For me…
Speaking on a stage, walking 500 miles across a strange country, and even getting on my knees and making sidewalk pizzas…none of those come easy for me. They each wear a level of crazy discomfort that I initially don’t want to feel.
Every time I finish doing something that makes me extra nervous to try, I end up feeling more encouraged and empowered.
So often…
We wait for the world to encourage and inspire us to be happier, to achieve more…to feel better about ourselves. But one gigantic truth in “How to Feel Better about Ourselves” lies in a simple “Do-It-Yourself” secret.
Keep the door open on your Comfort Zone.
And every once in a while…shock yourself and walk through it.
EXTRA Thoughts…
May the world be a better place…because you and I got lucky enough for the chance to stop by.
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:
The Peace Sign Shuffle
Thank you.
For reading.
For tossing positive energy into the world.
For being YOU.
With gratitude…

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