Blog #551: Meet a Doozy Lately?

I spend a lot of time answering my emails.
Not all of my emails get a lot of my time.
(Read below to see what I mean.)
Doozy #1:
“A friend told me about you so I looked you up. If you’re so inspiring how come I’ve never heard of you?”
My response:
Dear Friend of a Friend…
MAYBE…because I’m not through living.
BUT…gratitude for Googling me.
Doozy #2:
“Your writing is cliche.”
My response:
Thank you for your comment.
“I’ll try harder.”
Doozy #3:
“I wouldn’t read one of your books if you paid me.”
My response:
I guess you won’t be reading any of my books then.
Energy thieves.
I’ve encountered a few.
They’re the negative people, stories, news, thoughts, moments, conversations and emails that try to steal our positive energy.
They’re all of those.
An energy thief’s mission to steal from us is intentional; sometimes it’s not.
Either way…an energy thief usually leaves us feeling “negative x lousy.”
Of course…
I’ve lived my share of crummy, rotten, no-good, out-of-balance days.
And on most of those bad days, I let an energy thief rob my best spirit.
But now?
I’m an inch wiser.
I’ve learned to be more aware of thieves when thieves are plotting to thieve.
We run into enough dumb-ass bad days in life as it is…
without letting an “energy thief” add to the number.
The people.
The stories.
The news.
The thoughts.
The moments.
The conversations.
The emails.
All the negative ones?
They’re thieves.
Don’t give them your time.
Don’t give them your head.
And don’t let them steal from you.
EXTRA Thoughts…
Kindness and gratitude.
May we grow every day in each.
Here’s the audio version of this week’s blog.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the link:
I’m grateful…and lucky…you showed up today.
Thank you very much.
#ClapForSomeone today.
With huge appreciation…

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