Blog #661: My Hand Watering Happy Hour

Most every evening at 6:00…
I wind down my day by hand-watering my front yard.
But this blog isn’t really about hand-watering.
If you read on…
You’ll find a happy story.
And maybe even a secret to finding happiness.
Let’s take this story from the beginning.
My automatic sprinklers work just fine.
So why would I waste time standing in my front yard for 40 minutes on a fall night with a watering hose?
For my head and heart…
It’s a positive way to finish my day.
It’s my Happy Hour.
“Happy Hour?”
Besides providing some feel-good personal assistance to my grass, plants, and trees, I share waves with passing cars and talk to the people walking by.
And their dogs.
Always gotta’ talk to the dogs.
Despite whatever drama the day might have surprised me with…
Finishing my day outside like this inspires me to feel positive energy.
So yeah…
I call it my Happy Hour.
If you’ve read this blog long…
You know I love being outside.
It’s my thing.
When I’m there…
I breathe deeper.
I smile on the inside.
My vision gets bigger.
Goals take on “I can do that!” power.
But in this week…
There was one extra bonus to feeling all of THAT.
A singer showed up.
A singer?
But first…
Let’s take one more small step back to set the stage.
The driveway of my home is bordered on one side with tall Oleander bushes that block the view of people approaching on the sidewalk. I can’t see people walking by UNTIL they’re right in front of me.
But I can hear them coming.
A couple of days ago…
I heard loud, happy singing coming my way.
“That’s…different,” I thought.
And although initially I couldn’t see the singer…
I could hear her.
It was a happy voice.
I stopped watering to listen.
And then the singing star hit center stage.
Walking solo…
A 50-ish-year-old lady came past the high bushes into view. It took her an extra couple of seconds before she saw me smiling and listening…and when she did, she immediately became embarrassed and apologized.
“I’m sorry for singing loud!” she gushed.
“No reason to apologize!” I said. “When you’re feelin’ that much happy, you should keep sharing! Please don’t stop!”
She smiled happily, continued singing her happy song …
and then continued her happy evening walk down the sidewalk.
It was a kind moment.
It was a happy moment.
Perhaps you’ve noticed this, too…
But doesn’t life seem to be sprouting negativity more often?
Count ’em…
The mean tweet that sparks a barrage of 100 meaner tweets.
The politicians who endlessly insult their opponents with needless cruelty.
The impatient driver who rides his horn extra hard when we move too slowly.
The people who easily shout out the negatives…but never praise the positives.
The list seems to be growing longer…especially with the exponential growth of technology and an endless number of media channels and podcast hosts.
But I gotta’ ask…
Does life have to be THIS negative?
Not coming from us it doesn’t.
Here’s a secret guaranteed to make you happier.
Encourage the happy in others.
Encourage friends.
Encourage strangers.
Encourage outdoor Karaoke singers.
And always encourage the dogs.
Every single time we encourage the happy in others…
We will find more of it in ourselves.
And now you know why at 6:00 in the evening…
I stand in my front yard with a watering hose.
It’s my Make Happy Happen Hour.
To make happy happen for others.
To make happy happen for myself.
And always…
To make happy happen for the dogs.
EXTRA Thoughts…
Sounds like an intriguing domain name.
But I wonder where it leads…
Did you miss last week’s blog?
The dogs and I were on our morning walk when a car pulled alongside us. The window rolled down, and then I was asked the oddest question.
I know…
The Internet offers you 100,000,000 blog choices.
YOU showed up here today.
Thank you for making me…lucky.
With huge gratitude…
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