Blog #683: The Frog at My Door

The Frog at My Door – Blog 683 by Shawn Anderson
Personal growth lessons from nature often appear when we least expect them. One quiet moment can become a life teacher—if we’re paying attention. In this short but meaningful reflection, Shawn Anderson shares how an unexpected guest sparked a deeper realization.
If you enjoy motivational storytelling, be sure to explore more through the blog archive, discover his books, or learn how Shawn inspires audiences on the speaking menu.
I’ve written much about my two cool Chihuahuas.
I’ve even mentioned my tortoise named “Fibs.”
I also have a frog.
His (or her) name is “Camino.”
And he lives outside my front door.
If a day’s carrying extra luck, I find Camino sitting on the walkway. Sometimes, he jumps when he sees me. Other times, I pick him up and move him to safety. He’s a tiny little dude, and he’s been a resident here for about 15 years.
Every time out the door, I’m looking for him.
Now please know…
I’m aware that the current “Camino” is probably not the first “Camino.” In my Googling, I’ve learned that small tree frogs live for 5-9 years. So even though I may be in “repeat mode” with Camino II or even Camino III, these little frogs are great at passing on their DNA information concerning me.
“Show up at his door…and he’ll smile.”
Why name him Camino?
He’s named after the Camino de Santiago…nine long-distance walking trails that cross Europe, all of which lead to Santiago, Spain. I’ve walked five of them, so this little guy carries a weighty name that inspires my head and soul deeply.
His presence?
His name?
A double feel-good moment.
Life IS what we see it to be.
If we’re extra lucky…
Our short walk through life will last 30,000 days. The number doesn’t seem small until we’re hit with the realization that we’ve probably walked over half of ours already.
THAT thought guides my living every day.
It’s not about me taking my life TOO seriously.
It’s about me taking my living MORE seriously.
May this week’s blog carry a BIG reminding hint.
Have fun.
Love your day.
Celebrate your moments.
Smile in your minutes.
Name the frogs.
No matter what challenges you are living today, today still has “special” in it.
May you see the special.
May you “See the day!“
I can think of no better way to seize it.
More Personal Growth Lessons from Nature
Let this story remind you that even a small experience with nature can unlock something bigger within. It’s often the quiet moments that bring the loudest truths.
Here are more ways to keep growing:
🌱 Blog – weekly reflections and motivation
📚 Books – powerful reads that inspire
🎤 Speaking Menu – bring Shawn’s voice to your event
🐸 Magical Life Fixes – another blog on transformation through perspective
Personal growth lessons from nature don’t need to be complicated—they just need to be noticed.
EXTRA Thoughts…
We get one shot at living.
May we get great at living our one shot.
Miss last week’s blog?
I addressed the uncertainties and chaos of life. And while I was at it, I shared the one thing we don’t have to be uncertain about.
Whenever you open my blog, I feel “Camino” lucky. Thank you for opening it today.
I hope I wrote something that adds to your thinking. And living.
With humble gratitude…
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