#496: Talking To My Feet

“Thank you!”
That’s what I’m whisperin’ as I look at my tired feet.
They’ve carried me 183 crazy-hard miles.
And now…
I only have 12 easy miles left before reaching my final destination in Santiago, Spain…the famous Catedral de Santiago de Compostela.
I’m through walking for today (8/7)…and tomorrow I’ll finish walking what has proven to be the hardest walk of all my world walks. BUT…these last five days have been brilliant as my best legs, best heart and best attitude have each made their way back to find me.
That’s how it often works.
When we keep hanging in there, keep doing and keep going…
we soon start rolling, start flowing…and end up growing.
If we give ourselves permission to tie on our sneakers, walk outside the existing boundaries of our Comfort Zone and then stay out THERE long enough…we will discover that many things we thought impossible are really quite possible.
And then…difference grows.
Positive, passionate, life-changing…DIFFERENCE.
I’ve never once had all the air sucked out of my lungs walking outside my Comfort Zone. On the contrary, I’ve discovered that…eventually…breathing the magical air outside my Comfort Zone is so invigorating to my spirit that it has been transformative.
I’m lucky I know this. It’s a thought I routinely come back to that’s bigger than my “I can’t!” worry. It’s the thought that moves my feet.
What we think we can’t do is a self-defining thought. Fall in love with “I can’t!” if you want…but for me…I’d rather know that what lives outside my Comfort Zone are 1,000 new colored crayons that I once didn’t know existed.
I’ve gone after my dreams because they’ve been planted in my heart to do them. Of course every one of them initially tormented my guts with anxiety when I thought about them…but in following through with doing them…I’ve changed my world.
Like I’m doing now in walking the Camino Primitivo.
Want MORE for your life?
Visit the world outside your Comfort Zone.
You’ll find uniquely colored crayons that will bring brilliant passion back to your life. And just maybe, too…you’ll look down at your own feet and whisper:
“Thank you!”
EXTRA Thoughts…
I wrote the above part of this week’s blog five days ago. I did finish those last twelve miles and walked into Santiago for my third time…starting each one of those adventures from a different origination point in Europe: France, Portugal and now Spain.
Over the last eight weeks, a dozen emails have come in asking a version of: “Why do you do this?”
Three reasons:
1. It’s planted in my heart to do it.
2. To live my most inspired life.
3. Because maybe it will give others a bit more courage to live their most inspired lives, too.
If you missed last week’s blog…
here’s an audio version (3:40).
Inspiration…and Garbanzo Bean Soup
Thank you for reading today.
With gratitude…

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