#484: There’s Gotta Be

If we’re gonna do it…
there’s gotta be a “Day #1.”
There’s gotta be a “Day #1” if we’re gonna…
Reclaim better heath.
Develop improved fitness.
Increase strength and flexibility.
There’s gotta be a “Day #1” if we’re gonna…
Stop stalling.
Quit pretending.
Grow some courage.
There’s gotta be a “Day #1” if we’re gonna…
Get our act together.
Prove we do more than talk.
See the other side of the mountain.
If we’re gonna do it…
there’s gotta be a “Day #1.”
And mine’s today.
EXTRA Thoughts…
I look to create two things every day:
1. Adventures.
2. A chance to make a difference.
I wish both for you.
If you missed last week’s blog…
here’s a short audio version (1:30):
With gratitude for reading this week…

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