#505: Twisting Turning Twins

Within 51 minutes…my inbox was met with two vastly different emails.
At 8:37…someone was sharing the most euphoric news of her life.
At 9:28…someone else was living the most brutal moments of her life.
One was crazy emotional…up.
One was crazy emotional…down.
And that’s the way life twists and turns.
Someone is living a great day.
Someone next door is living the opposite.
AND at anytime we can be either Someone.
At anytime…we can be 8:37.
At anytime…we can be 9:28.
I think the guy who invented roller coasters was thinking about life when he came up with the insane idea.
Slowly climbing up…quickly racing down.
Wicked jolt to the left…breath-stealing turn to the right.
In one moment, our arms are excitedly raised in the air and our heart is pumping with exhilaration. In the next moment, our hands are desperately squeezing the safety bar in front of us, and we’re praying like saints that we don’t fall out of our seats.
Life and roller coasters are twins.
This is Extra Mile Thursday blog #505. I’m positive I know less now than I did when I wrote blog #1. But in riding the “roller coaster” all the weeks between #1-505, I’ve learned one particularly valuable roller-coaster-riding truth:
Remember my “8:37″s.
Remember my “9:28″s.
Because each hugely different moment offers a hugely different lesson.
And the more I have paid attention to those lessons, the more often I have lived life’s roller coaster ride with my arms waving in the air…and smiling.
Learn it as you live it…for the next time you live it.
EXTRA Thoughts…
One secret to riding the roller coaster like a pro:
Know the ride doesn’t last forever.
Miss last week’s blog? Here’s the audio version:
A Traveling Fly Hotel
Thank you so much for reading this week.
With gratitude…